- 贡献度
- 329
- 金元
- 25671
- 积分
- 3883
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-5-21
Console Commands
Type the following commands into the console after activating it. Note that you often won't see any notification that something has changed. Also note that you will not see the console, or what you are typing - this is normal.
[edit] Character Changes
[edit] Class Changes
Be aware that using any of these command will reset your character back to a level 2 class character and you will lose all your inventory and plot items.
Console Command Effect on Character
runscript rogue Makes player a Rogue
runscript warrior Makes player a Warrior
runscript wizard Makes player a Wizard
以上是改变职业成盗贼,战士 ,法师,用了会降回LV2而且所有装备物品消失,慎用
[edit] Skills, Spells & Talents
All skills, spells, talents & specializations can be manipulated using the following commands with the ID numbers found in the tables below.
Command Effect
runscript addtalent # :Adds the talent with the specified ID # 这个是控制台的命令,增加#天赋或者技能
runscript removetalent # :Removes the talent with the specified ID # 这个是控制台的命令,移除#天赋或者技能
[edit] Skills
ID Skill ID Skill ID Skill ID Skill
100011 Coercion 100012 Improved Coercion 100013 Expert Coercion 100014 Master Coercion
100021 Stealing 100022 Improved Stealing 100023 Expert Stealing 100024 Master Stealing
100041 Trap-Making 100042 Improved Trap-Making 100043 Expert Trap-Making 100044 Master Trap-Making
100051 Survival 100052 Improved Survival 100053 Expert Survival 100054 Master Survival
100061 Herbalism 100062 Improved Herbalism 100063 Expert Herbalism 100064 Master Herbalism
100071 Poison-Making 100072 Improved Poison-Making 100073 Expert Poison-Making 100074 Master Poison-Making
100100 Combat Training 100101 Improved Combat Training 100102 Expert Combat Training 100103 Master Combat Training
100110 Combat Tactics 100111 Improved Combat Tactics 100112 Expert Combat Tactics 100113 Master Combat Tactics
[edit] Specializations
ID Specialization ID Specialization ID Specialization ID Specialization
4014 Assassin 4015 Bard 4029 Ranger 4030 Duelist
4013 Champion 4021 Templar 4016 Berserker 4019 Reaver
4018 Shape Shifter 4025 Spirit Healer 4012 Arcane Warrior 4017 Blood Mage
[edit] Talents & Spells
[edit] Rogue
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
603 Dirty Fighting 21 Combat Movement 3002 Coup De Grace 3023 Feign Death
3026 Below the Belt 708 Deadly Strike 777 Lethality 3069 Evasion
100001 Deft Hands 100002 Improved Tools 100003 Mechanical Expertise 100004 Device Mastery
100075 Stealth 100076 Stealthy Item Use 100077 Combat Stealth 100078 Master Stealth
Dual Weapon
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
6 Dual-Weapon Training 8 Dual-Weapon Finesse 5 Dual-Weapon Expert 3036 Dual-Weapon Mastery
11 Dual Striking 9 Riposte 10 Cripple 7 Punisher
3044 Dual-Weapon Sweep 3035 Flurry 717 Momentum 3043 Whirlwind
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
34 Melee Archer 500 Aim 33 Defensive Fire 35 Master Archer
803 Pinning Shot 805 Crippling Shot 804 Critical Shot 802 Arrow of Slaying
3071 Rapid Shot 3072 Shattering Shot 801 Suppressing Fire 800 Scattershot
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
3060 Mark of Death 56 Exploit Weakness 3059 Lacerate 3058 Feast of the Fallen
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
3045 Song of Valor 701 Distraction 705 Song of Courage 1000 Captivating Song
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
1004 Summon Wolf 91 Summon Bear 93 Summon Spider 92 Master Ranger
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
709 Dueling 3050 Upset Balance 3049 Keen Defense 3051 Pinpoint Strike
[edit] Warrior
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
14 Powerful 808 Threaten 17 Bravery 3021 Death Blow
19 Precise Striking 3041 Taunt 3016 Disengage 20 Perfect Striking
Dual Weapon
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
6 Dual-Weapon Training 8 Dual-Weapon Finesse 5 Dual-Weapon Expert 3036 Dual-Weapon Mastery
11 Dual Striking 9 Riposte 10 Cripple 7 Punisher
3044 Dual-Weapon Sweep 3035 Flurry 717 Momentum 3043 Whirlwind
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
34 Melee Archer 500 Aim 33 Defensive Fire 35 Master Archer
803 Pinning Shot 805 Crippling Shot 804 Critical Shot 802 Arrow of Slaying
3071 Rapid Shot 3072 Shattering Shot 801 Suppressing Fire 800 Scattershot
Weapon and Shield
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
617 Shield Bash 1 Shield Pummel 3073 Overpower 38 Assault
704 Shield Defence 37 Shield Balance 12 Shield Wall 36 Shield Expertise
3074 Shield Block 13 Shield Cover 3030 Shield Tactics 2 Shield Mastery
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
3024 Pommel Strike 28 Indomitable 3000 Stunning Blows 3 Critical Strike
3025 Sunder Arms 3001 Shattering Blows 4 Sunder Armor 3032 Destroyer
3028 Mighty Blow 718 Powerful Swings 27 Two-Handed Strength 3031 Two-Handed Sweep
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
3037 War Cry 3038 Rally 42 Motivate 3039 Superiority
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
23 Righteous Strike 3017 Cleanse Area 52 Mental Fortress 25 Holy Smite
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
700 Berserk 48 Resilience 3006 Constraint 3009 Final Blow
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
3065 Devour 3066 Frightening Appearance 3067 Aura of Pain 713 Blood Frenzy
[edit] Mage
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
200254 Arcane Bolt 200255 Arcane Shield 200256 Staff Focus 200257 Arcane Mastery
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
10001 Flame Blast 10204 Flaming Weapons 10003 Fireball 10002 Inferno
11002 Rock Armor 12004 Stone Fist 11116 Earthquake 11124 Petrify
13001 Winter's Grasp 11007 Frost Weapons 13002 Cone of Cold 13000 Blizzard
14001 Lightning 14000 Shock 14002 Tempest 10211 Chain Lightning
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
10104 Heal 10200 Rejuvenate 10210 Regeneration 10207 Mass Rejuvenation
10206 Heroic Offense 10202 Heroic Aura 10203 Heroic Defense 10208 Haste
11001 Glyph of Paralysis 10601 Glyph of Warding 17000 Glyph of Repulsion 17028 Glyph of Neutralization
11006 Spell Wisp 11113 Grease 11005 Spellbloom 12008 Stinging Swarm
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
10400 Spell Shield 10401 Dispel Magic 10900 Anti-Magic Ward 11003 Anti-Magic Burst
10704 Mana Drain 11004 Mana Cleanse 17001 Spell Might 11000 Mana Clash
12005 Walking Bomb 10500 Death Syphon 12011 Virulent Walking Bomb 10508 Animate Dead
12006 Mind Blast 17019 Force Field 10209 Telekinetic Weapons 11123 Crushing Prison
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
11106 Weakness 11107 Paralyze 11122 Miasma 11110 Mass Paralysis
11112 Vulnerability Hex 11111 Affliction Hex 11114 Misdirection Hex 11100 Death Hex
11115 Disorient 11108 Horror 11121 Sleep 11109 Waking Nightmare
15002 Drain Life 17002 Death Magic 11101 Curse of Mortality 15003 Death Cloud
Shape Shifter
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
17008 Spider Shape 17010 Bear Shape 17007 Flying Swarm 17009 Master Shapeshifter
Spirit Healer
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
10509 Group Heal 10504 Revival 10506 Lifeward 10507 Cleansing Aura
Arcane Warrior
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
17023 Combat Magic 17020 Aura of Might 17022 Shimmering Shield 17021 Fade Shroud
Blood Mage
ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell ID Spell
10700 Blood Magic 10701 Blood Sacrifice 10702 Blood Wound 10703 Blood Control
[edit] War Dog
ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent ID Talent
90017 Growl 90048 Dread Howl 90049 Combat Training 90015 Overwhelm
90050 Fortitude 90016 Charge 90047 Shred 90051 Nemesis |