[em54] 官網連結
Bug #1: Saving Crash
Non-Persistant creaturesNPC's placed by mods (esp's only, esm's are unaffected) will cause the game to crash upon trying to saving after visiting and leaving the area where they are.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
1) Create a new plugin, place a Brahmin (CrBrahmin) at GirderShadeExterior and save the plugin.
2) Activate the plugin, start Fallout 3, load a gamesave and COC to GirderShadeExterior.
3) Fast travel to some place far enough away say Megaton or just COC to megaton01.
4) Try save your game and enjoy the crash!
Bug #2: Vanishing Objects
Non-Persistant objects (statics ect) placed by mods (esp's only, esm's are unaffected) will vanish upon loading them the second time.
Steps to reproduce the bug:
1) Create a new plugin, place a static of your choice outside Vault 101 (Vault101Exterior) and save the plugin.
2) Activate the plugin, start Fallout 3 and load any gamesave.
3) Fast travel to Vault 101 (you'll see the object that you placed) then fast travel to Megaton.
4) Fast travel back to Vault 101 and you'll see the object is now gone.
If you're using mods I really recommend you roll back to v1.4 (or even better v1.0) right away, Bethesda has messed v1.5 up real good.
Quarn就是策劃非官方修正補丁那位大佬(Obivion & Fallout 3),強烈建議先換回1.4.0.6 |