[现在,所有盟友和敌人在战斗时都是同一个“群体”的一部分。这会产生一些影响: - 原本会轮流行动的单位现在会在同一回合内同时行动,并迅速发起攻击。
- 然而,这会导致敌人单位的ai变得很愚蠢,大多数情况下只会跳跃、冲刺并对目标进行基础攻击。(这意味着敌方施法者不会施放法术)
这会导致敌人的回合更快,等待时间减少,整体战斗速度加快。 该mod前置需要脚本扩展器! 由于许多敌人因AI变化而变得更容易对付,我建议将此模组与只是增加敌人数量的模组搭配使用。我与“敌人克隆”模组搭配使用,体验相当有趣,结果是大量敌人像僵尸一样试图追赶你。 敌人仍然会尊重先手顺序,所以如果你想让每个敌人同时行动,试着通过敏捷值或模组来提高整个队伍的先手顺序加成。如果你的整个队伍同时行动,敌人也会如此。 此模组应与大多数模组兼容,但请注意!:敌人不会使用任何花哨的动作。敌方施法者会试图拳击你,而不是施放法术。 到目前为止,我在两场游戏的第一场林地战斗中测试了这一点,两次(集结后)泽洛夫都从大门跳下来进行近战。他每次都遭受了约25点的钝器伤害。每次都很搞笑。我预计这个行为会在整个游戏中持续发生。]
All allies and enemies are now part of the same "swarm" when in combat. This has a few effects:- Units that would take their turns one by one will now move at the same time, and quickly make attacks.- However, Units are now MUCH dumber, and in most cases will only jump, dash and make basic attacks against targets. (THIS MEANS ENEMY SPELLCASTERS WILL NOT CAST SPELLS)This results in faster enemy turns, less waiting, and quicker combat overall.REQUIRES SCRIPT EXTENDER!Due to many enemies becoming much easier to fight because of the AI changes, I would recommend pairing this mod with something that just adds more enemies. I've had quite a bit of fun with this and the "Savage Doubled Enemy" mod, which results in plenty of enemies just trying to run you down like zombies.Enemies will still respect initiative, so if you want every single enemy to move at the same time, try to raise your whole parties initiative bonus either through dex or mods. If your whole party acts together, so will the enemies.Should be compatible with most mods, but again: Enemies will not use any fancy actions. Enemy spellcasters will try to punch you rather than cast spells.So far I've tested this at the first grove fight in two games, and both times (After rallying) Zevlor has jumped from the gate to fight in melee. He has taken ~25 bludgeoning each time. It is funny every time. I would expect this sort of behavior to keep occurring throughout the game.
作者在原声明中提到的savage doubled enemy(敌人克隆)模组,因为原作者不更新了,所以现版本同样存在着bug,这里就不放出来给大家了。
敌人克隆修复版:Enemy Cloning (Savage Doubled Enemy with fixes) at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)