GeForce Hotfix display driver version 526.61 is based on our latest Game Ready Driver 526.47. GeForce Hotfix显示驱动程序版本526.61基于我们最新的Game Ready驱动程序526.47。
The hotfix addresses the following issues: 该修补程序解决了以下问题:
[Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II] Flashing corruption can be seen randomly while playing the game. [3829010] [使命召唤:现代战争II]在玩游戏时可以随机看到闪烁的腐败。[3829010] VTube Studio may crash to black screen [3838158] VTube Studio可能崩溃为黑屏[3838158] GPU stuck in P0 state after exiting certain games. [3846389] 退出某些游戏后,GPU卡在P0状态。[3846389]
https://international-gfe.downlo ... national-dch.hf.exe