本帖最后由 zhongxiali 于 2023-8-5 13:27 编辑
RUI - Reassembled UI
"RUI: Character" is a mod that reassembles the CK3 vanilla character window from scratch to make it easier to see and use.
This mod is designed not to use "localization files". So you can use it in any language without any problems.
2022/09/09 Add "User Background" and "Setting Command"
User Background: Players can have their characters stand in their favorite backgrounds!
Setting Command: Players can start the game with their preferred settings for the RUI!
Details and how to use can be found here
The biggest feature of RUI is that the portrait of the main character has been expanded to the waist so that you can see the skirt and belt.
In addition, the size of the spouse's portrait will not be reduced, and you will be able to feel the difference in height between the couple.
Not only the CoA of the house, but also the name and CoA of the dynasty, the number of members of the house, the motto, and a button to open the dynasty tree have been added to the side.
The information at the bottom is organized by tab.
The layout of most tabs has been redesigned to make it more visually understandable and easier to use.
Reworked the list of traits, modifiers, titles, diplomacy, claims, siblings, and children.
Each list can be switched to three formats: box (standard), line (simple), and board (details) by using the buttons on the upper right.
Customize Character View
You can change the background of all characters in the game by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the character window.
Not only images for the court, but also various events, holdings, terrain, and the CoA of your house can be set in the background.
You can also hide various information by clicking at the bottom of the view if you only want to see the character and background. (You can click the bottom again to return)
Other changes
The sexuality icon will be designed differently for men and women
Added guardian portrait to character view
If the spouse is still a child (betrothal), imprisoned, or dead, the spouse will be shown in the lower left portrait (to represent physical and mental distance).
You can add new tabs to the RUI window by subscribing to it with FUN's mods "Historical Figure" and "Biography".
You can easily browse the character's wikipedia information from the icon next to the name, and the character's history on the Biography tab.
*** Please place the load order of this mod behind the above two mods
This mod is compatible with the mods listed below.
Compatible with TheGib770's "Unified UI", but not perfect. Only mods that are included in both the Unified UI list and the list below are supported.
Dynamic UI Themes by LuckyLuke & Big Uncle
Factions Explained by Amtep
Rename Anyone by MacAwesome
Immersive Realm Espionage by Father_MaGGus
Stress Bar for All by Big Uncle
Custom Title Form of Address by TerraPass
Show Me Your Court by Big Uncle
Show Me Your Council by Big Uncle
Social Relations Expanded (SRE) by Big Uncle
Load Order:
1.Mods in the above list
2.Unified UI(Follow the load order on the UniUI page as well)
3.This mod
MODs that do not include "window_character.gui" can be placed anywhere
不要和其它修改UI界面mod 一起使用1.9 新窗口界面 RUI Character 种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀 晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归
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