本帖最后由 killeraltair 于 2020-10-8 11:14 编辑
源自CS.RIN.RU。此次补丁官方修复了噩梦难度丢失前哨站等问题。需要安过V21 Hotfix为本体,安装此新补丁。
下载:V21 to V21 hotfix 链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1759s3FUHwcB0mmy5kN00bA 提取码: p5ep
V21 hotfix to V21.1 链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1H8i20Rj-OHiFneGc9cyysA 提取码: 4498
Oct 7, 2020 Update:
Update 21.1 is now live for all platforms (Win10 and Xbox) Oct 6, 2020 Update:
The 21.1 patch will restore boons and outposts to affected Nightmare communities, as long as players have not taken any of the following actions since Update 21 released:
– Moved maps
– Moved home sites
– Destroyed any facilities This patch is available now on Steam and Epic and will be available for Win 10 players very soon, please check back for updates. If you are one of the Nightmare communities who was affected but did move maps, moved your home site, or destroyed a facility, we’re working on how to help.
Oct 5, 2020 Update:
We shipped a hotfix that will prevent any further Nightmare communities from being affected. If you have been avoiding booting up your community to avoid this issue, it should now be safe to do so! We are actively working on a solution for all Nightmare communities who are affected. We’ll update here when we have details. Thank you for your patience!