原地址:https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXV/co ... lock_avatara_items/
Save For Unlock Avatara Items
ONLY WORK STEAM GAME save have many weapon + cloth + equip item + treasure + all ignis dish unlock + all comrade item for avatara main game not comrade bc i know not edit comrade. sorry no cheat, trainer use upload. didnt put all weapon bc some broken but include assassin cloth + weapon too ! i show ignis + my avatar stand w/ cindy no new item comrade for avatar rn but works must have 1 save for game first or mine not work write avaatara things down if you make avatar already bc need replace file so lose avatar !! copy slot# folder + system folder from download to this gameplay folder you make backup copy of. ANY slot# from download O.K. all save same bc i try make easy use only need 1 save then load game, go online menu, edit or save or new avatar so game update when make new avatar now all items unlock for all save copy you save slot# file back, game now have all avatar items : D
in save dont use kingly tee noctis cloth + some ignis cloth + some prompto cloth bc broken make cloth physic break some cloth !! didnt put cup noodle + king knight shirt bc i dont use
备份,steam版的路径是C:\Users\xxx\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XV\Steam\xxxxxxx\savestorage\ 如果已经有了虚拟形象,关闭虚拟形象,关闭所有虚拟形象的mod,存档退出。 覆盖 读取刚才覆盖的任一存档 开启虚拟形象,这时候已经解锁了,再随便改点东西,保存。 把之前备份的slot#拷贝回来,就已经全部解锁了 : D - 上面都搞完以后如果你还有虚拟形象mod,现在也可以打开了,不冲突。
链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1BzxFiT8zdjeTyfrjdBADPw 提取码: