- 贡献度
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- 注册时间
- 2016-6-7
本帖最后由 Bayerischen 于 2020-3-28 05:11 编辑
游戏: 腐烂国度 2 : 主宰版
游戏版本: 2.384.867.0 (15)
(https://www.stateofdecay.com/2020/03/10 ... tch-notes/)
CE版本要求: 7.0+
(https://github.com/cheat-engine/cheat-e ... es/tag/7.0)
CE Table版本: 8.6.11 (Beta V4)
1. Fixed: All broken scripts. Except:
2. Broken: Unlimited Group Health [Host Only]
3. Broken: Weapon Stats > Ranged > Max Range
1. Changed: Health/Stamina cheat. Should work a little better now.
2. Fixed: An issue with Instant Max Level stopping you from disabling the script.
3. Changed: Some compares in the teleport script, should work when the game decides to change the CMP value I use to 6 and lock it there when you enter/exit a vehicle.
1. Reverted: Teleport Script back to old script for now as people say it did not work for them.
2. Merged: Health/Stamina into 1 script for now. Unlimited Health/Stamina. Mainly as a test for something on my end.
3. Added: No Blood Plague (Should stop you from getting blood plague and also remove any blood plague you may currently have.)
(Side effects: May make your standing increase everytime you get hit due to gaining and losing blood plague quickly.)
别忘了阅读作弊表最下方的 `| 注意 / 提示 / 热键 |`
1. 瞬移功能只在主机玩家处有效. 我会试着在未来的时间里修复这一点.
2. 如何使用 (Days Passed) 功能:
启用脚本 "当日时间 [仅本地玩家]" 然后选择脚本 "Days Passed" 然后利用 "早晨 (06:00H)" 功能度过一天, 这样 "Days Passed" 脚本中应该就计数了, 之后在这里设置你想要的天数.
保存位置: Ctrl+Numpad 7
加载位置: Ctrl+Numpad 8
撤销位置: Ctrl+Numpad 9
瞬移至标记处: Numpad -
撤销瞬移至标记处: Numpad *
*你可以通过右键相应的条目并点击"Set/Change hotkeys"来改变热键*
1. When using weapon stats I would advise using No Reload, No Sway, No Recoil, No Spread, Unlimited Weapon Durability. To remove effects, disable script then change weapon. #要取消武器的作弊效果的话换一下武器
2. *WARNING* - Teleportation should always be done with Health cheats activated. #开瞬移的时候一定要开无限生命!
3. The script will throw you up by 800 in Z axis every time you press the hotkey so use this to save your ass. - You have been warned. #开瞬移的时候会把你Z坐标设置到800,不开无限生命就西内
4. They changed the way Item IDs are generated so rather than just activating script and opening inventory now you will need to instead activate the script and move an item out/in to your weapon slot to populate the pointers. #改物品栏的时候把武器卸下再装上以生成物品ID
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