本帖最后由 fox78911 于 2020-3-14 14:13 编辑
Serph: works in any windows 10, windows 7 & 8.1 (as many confirmed in steam)
适用于任何 windows 10、 windows 7和8.1操作系统(正如许多用蒸汽确认的那样)
@Serph Q.) Is Windows 7 supported on Steam?
A.) We do not officially support Windows 7.
我们不正式支持 windows 7。
@AnonyMouse: i tested the game in Windows 7 and works fine btw. this is Steam version not UMP. its works fine in windows 7 and my friends confirmed that its working in w8.1
我在 windows 7上测试过这款游戏,顺便说一句,它运行得很好。 这是蒸汽版,不是 ump。 它在 windows 7中运行良好,我的朋友也证实它在 w8.1中运行良好