[size=1.07692em][size=1em]The FO4 health value is set by the following formula:
80+END X+(level - 1)[(END/2)+Y] [size=1em]X and Y are Game Settings.
X = fAVDHealthStartEndMult
Y = fHealthEnduranceOffset [size=1em]Default value for X is 5 and Y is 2.5. [size=1em]I use a custom tweak file which keeps X at 5, but sets Y to -0.5. That makes health almost completely dependent on endurance. Even at level 40, you have to spend perk/SPECIAL points on endurance to get health. [size=1em]You could use Alternative Health Scaling in the AltHS version, and use FO4Edit to remove the fAVDHealthStartEndMult edit.
[size=1.07692em][size=1em]Does this affect enemies too? I want things to stay a bit faster.
[size=1.07692em][size=1em]No, but I believe the author of Alternative Health Scaling put up a file for enemies. [size=1em]What I personally have set up is this;
* Set the game to survival difficulty (enemies do double damage to the player, healing and rad-removal is much slower).
* Set fDiffMultHPByPCSV to 2.0 (player does double damage to enemies).
* Set fHealthEnduranceOffset to -0.5 (player health does not scale with level, but rather with Endurance)
* Set USpecialPoints to 35 (you can use those extra points for Endurance, or further specialize your character. 35 actually feels a little too high/too easy in the beginning of the game. I'll see if it works at higher levels, and maybe decrease it on my next playthrough). [size=1em]Once the F4SE can support it, I'm going to switch the extra SPECIAL points for more perks per level; I think that will even out gameplay difficulty from early to high levels. [size=1em]I also recommend MyHUD to remove the Sneak indicator. (Those Ghouls will scare the pants off you.)
[url=][–][/url][deleted] 2 指標 1 年前 [size=1.07692em][size=1em]so spongy holy shit, it feels like I'm playing borderlands way too much.
[size=1em]Pretty much just ups the damage you do to enemies, you also have an option to make them do more damage too.