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本帖最后由 aiai0321 于 2016-12-7 14:51 编辑
纯指路 原址这个MOD几乎修改了整个辐射4 最初感觉有点像一开始的安魂曲 但是这个MOD比安魂曲还要霸道的多 甚至删除了原版大量的NPC或者彻底改变他们.....调整了大部分的区域包括全新的地铁系统
将辐射4 完全变成了一个自由生存探索向的游戏..背景设置在2077世界大战之后.强调用视觉来讲故事...玩家的目标不在是加入阵营和派系,而是活下去..
添加了大量的NPC 装备物品 修改了各种系统 改变了整个天气系统, 玩家一开始扮演一个半死不活的囚犯并且出生在下水道....你做的第一件事 想办法活着走出去先...
因为修改了太多的东西,不兼容目前修改NPC类,改变列表,或者是改变天气以及任何改变数据的MOD......如果你非要使用一些MOD 请把FROST 排在最下面..
目前是0.21版,远港一体化 就是说你需要远港才能正常游戏作者会一直保持更新
如果你玩腻了现在的 可以试试...
- Hello;
I see on the description page this is at version 0.2. I am wondering how long you anticipate it will be until it will be version 1.0. I am in no way complaining or trying to rush you. I just would prefer to play the complete version and would like some idea when I should start looking for it again. I enjoyed exploring the Dust mod you made for F.N.V. and look forward to enjoying this one as well. Thanks for your hard work and, hopefully, the answer to my question. 
posted @ 22:52, 3 Dec 2016 [url=]Reply[/url]
Honestly, version numbers are fairly arbitrary. I very well could have named the first version 1.0 and this 2.1. It doesn't change what's included in the mod. FROST's gameplay is already quite close to what I want it to be in the final version. There will be tweaks here and there, sure, and plenty of bugfixes, but the core FROST experience is already available. Most updates from here on out won't be as much about "completing" things as adding new content and DLC integration.
posted @ 0:58, 4 Dec 2016 [url=]Reply[/url]
Thanks again.
posted @ 0:30, 5 Dec 2016 [url=]Reply[/url]