本帖最后由 kafei518 于 2016-10-14 12:30 编辑
n网 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10261/?
相关内容去N网看吧 介绍不说了 懂的人自然会用 我只做搬运工 工具不会自动备份存档 使用前请备份存档
How to use?
Copy the Fallout4 savegame (*.fos) to the program folder.
Every editing operation WILL write changes to the savegame you provided. So, make a backup of this savegame.
Open the Command Line (Program folder -> CTRL+ Right click -> Open command window here)
1) How to get the savegame content:
PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -show Save.fos > ScriptRelatedContent.txt
2) How to change the script variable, Example:
PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -setvariable Save.fos 1 -filter "[and], ::MeleeEnabled_var ([variable_name]), ( FireFightStall_MasterScript ( [script_name] ), [and], 198a1a ( [ref_id] ) "
After you load and save the game, this variable value should persist in all later saves (until changed by the script itself or any other script). You can check the variable value by getting the content using the show command.
Pointer variables are supposed to be linked with another script, they are just integers as well, so you can set them in a similar fashion (copy the ScriptID of the target instance).
3) How to remove a script from the savegame, Example:
PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -remove Save.fos -filter "( FireFightStall_MasterScript ( [script_name] ), [and], 198a1a ( [ref_id] )"
After your load the new save, if the related object (to which script was attached) still exist in the world, the game should recreate the script with default values (same engine behavior as with Skyrim).
4) How to terminate threads (active running functions).
PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -terminate Save.fos -filter "Default2StateActivator ( [script_name] )"
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