本帖最后由 guruihan 于 2016-6-1 19:06 编辑
如题 1.6更新
- Bag weight mods have been added! Thanks to the magic preformed by ChaoticLogic Now you can craft the bag or bags of your liking and add all the weight you want via the normal Armor mod table!! - AE and AWCKR has been added and is now a pre-requisite. The bags are now craft-able at the AE table - Fixed all 1st person clipping issue's when using a SMG or sneaking - Fixed all FOV issue's - Fixed invisible Duffle Bag issue - Added new Bags and new colors of existing ones - 75 lbs & 150 lbs Chem table versions have been updated for anyone not using AE&AWCKR(?) Going forward I'm goin to consider these two versions done and any new work will solely go into the AE/AWCKR version 添加了两三种新背包 帆布袋新增了皮带替换版本 添加了支持AE&AWCKR的版本(背包将转移到AE护甲制作台制作)
现背包达到5,6种类型:(冲锋包 帆布袋 军用冲锋包 普通背包 书包 A形袋···)
作者:Tookie Jones
觉得不错,就去原址给作者一个认同的 ENDORSE
下载 AE&AWCKR版本 AE&AWCKR版本汉化.esp
----------------------------------------------------------------- 无AE&AWCKR 75+版本 汉化.esp
----------------------------------------------------------------- 无AE&AWCKR 150+版本 汉化.esp
获取方式: 1.AE&AWCKR版本 (AE护甲工作台 背包分类制作) 2.无AE&AWCKR版本 (化学工作台) 3.控制台 (········) ---------------------------------------------------- 安装方式: 先下载任一版本,然后下载对应的一款汉化.esp覆盖