本帖最后由 上官云岚 于 2015-12-22 17:20 编辑
HeySurvivalists, Alpha 13.5 Patch is out and ready for consumption. This patchaddresses many great changes and some important fixes. We’re still working hardon performance and memory leaks folks we thank you for your patience andhelp stay tuned. Note: This build is compatible with any Alpha 13 on upsaved game. Merry Christmas to you all! 嗨!各位求生者,A13.5补丁已经推出并准备好了下载。这个补丁涉及了许多重大的改变和一些重要的修复。我们仍然在努力的优化性能和防止内存泄漏,我们非常感谢亲人们对我们的帮助和耐心,敬请期待。注意:这个补丁与任何一个A13版本存档都可以兼容。祝大家圣诞快乐! Official Alpha 13.5 Patch notes.
- Added: Repair to all the large secure storage crates.
- 增加:所有大型安全箱都可以被修理(就是弹药箱,食品箱那种的)
- Changed: Added new rbg colors to map markers backpacks are teal and you can have up to 7 friends of different preset colors.
- 改变:增加了新的好友标记颜色,不再统一深青色,你可以最多设置7中不同的颜色。(葫芦娃既视感!)
- Changed: Dogs no longer turn to animal gore.
- 改变:狗不会再变为动物尸块
- Changed: Disabled all zombie gore blocks for now until we have time to implement them properly which would include zombies climbing them, zombies not knowing where the door is any more after a zombie dies in front of your door, and get them looking better and performing better. Every time a zombie dies it makes the server build a chunk, and when the gore degrades it does it again and again, causing server CPU usage and making the game look ugly in general with pyramids everywhere. We love the idea of gore blocks, but until we can polish it up and get it working right we have to turn it off for now. You can re-enable them by setting <property name=”CorpseBlockChance” value=”0″/> to 1.
- 我们禁用了所有的僵尸尸块,直到我们有时间来正确的实现它们(的功能),其中包括僵尸会攀爬它们(的情况),一个僵尸死在你门前后,其他僵尸不知道门在哪里(的情况),并让它们(僵尸)看起来更正常,表现的更好。每当一个僵尸死亡,它会使服务器建立一个数据块,并且当尸块被攻击而一点点变小时,它(服务器)会不停的重新建立数据块,从而导致服务器CUP使用率过高,并且使游戏看起来非常丑陋,因为到处都是(尸块)金字塔。我们喜欢尸块这个创意,但是现在,我们必须关闭它,直到它可以正常的工作时。通过设置可以重新启用尸块,<property name=”CorpseBlockChance” value=”0″/>将0改为1(虽然我也很喜欢尸块这个设定,但现在确实让服务器非常的卡,我们还是相信制作组可以修复它吧,暂时的离开不代表永久的离别,重逢时的喜悦才是终局)
- Changed: Reduced ingredient craft time from wood, clay lumps and small rocks from 1 to 0.5. For example, making a frame would take 10s before now it will take 5s.
- 改变:减少木头、粘土团、小石头的制作时间,从1秒改为0.5秒。例如,以前制作一个木框架需要10秒(因为要10个木头),现在是5秒
- Changed: Scrapping now gives 75% instead of 100%.
- 改变:分解现在给予75%资源,不再是100%
- Changed: Reduced stamina usage on the fire axe.
- 改变:减少使用消防斧的体力消耗
- Changed: Stack size of small rocks and concrete mix to 1000.
- 改变:小石块和搅拌混凝土堆叠上限改为1000(不错)
- Fixed: One of the known memory leak within our new audio system.
- 修复:新的音频系统中的一个已知的内存泄漏错误
- Fixed: Pistol firing sound should no longer cut out.
- 修复:手枪(连续)射击的时候声音不会再断断续续
- Fixed: Torch sound quits playing after a short time.
- 修复:短时间内退出游戏,火炬声音(出错的问题?)
- Fixed: NRE spamming dedi output log.
- 修复:后台不断爆红字的问题(NRE,引用空值产生的异常,俗称红字刷屏)
- Fixed: Shift click dupe as client over the network for loot containers.
- 修复:应该是修复复制bug,我就不详细描述了
- Fixed: Fast pickup and drop dupe as client over the network for loot containers.
- 修复:也是修复复制bug
- Fixed: Plant fiber hat now scraps to plant fibers.
- 修复:植物纤维帽子现在分解成植物纤维
- Fixed: Added missing is enemy tag to dogs in xml
- 修复:添加僵尸狗在设置文件中缺少的敌人标签
- Fixed: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ItemActionEntryRepair.RefreshEnabled
- 修复:一个爆红字的问题
- Fixed: Plant fiber hat is repaired with plant fibers.
- 修复:植物纤维帽子用植物纤维修理
- Fixed: Shared waypoints not showing for other players.
- 修复:共享的地图标记点其他玩家不显示(不错)
- Fixed: No way to remove offline people from your friends list.
- 修复:无法从好友列表中删除不在线的玩家
- Fixed: Camo net blocks now support entities and don’t collapse.
- 修复:迷彩网方块现在可以支撑实体,不再会倒塌
- Fixed: Player dropped backpacks now have stability and won’t fall and break as much.
- 修复:玩家死亡掉落的背包现在比较稳定了,不会再频繁的摔碎
- Fixed: Frig sounds hanging around after destroyed.
- 修复:冰箱被破坏后还有声音