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本帖最后由 pluto-k 于 2015-12-15 03:19 编辑
原址 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5907/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D5907%26preview%3D&pUp=1
-= Adventurer's Fallout 4 V0.2 =-
Adventurer's FO4 is a gameplay and difficulty balancing modification. Our goal is to to increase the challenge and balance gameplay without increasing frustration.
This is still a work in progress. Please try this with a new game and let us know what you think!
On your first vanilla play-through you were probably swimming in caps, stimpaks, fusion cores and ammo after a few hours, right? Also, the most common containers had very predictable contents.
Now we've completely changed the formulas for generating the contents of all of the most common containers in the game. Here's what you can expect:
- Fusion cores are much more rare.
- Stimpaks are harder to find.
- Ammo boxes have less ammo on average, and are sometimes empty
- Valuable items appear less often in common containers, more junk. Finding valuable and useful items should be less likely, since scavengers have likely searched through most areas.
- Most containers have a very small chance for valuable loot
- Trash containers are actually filled with worthless trash now (except for small chance for rare loot)
- Animal enemies don't carry caps.
- Adhesive is mostly found in the world, and we feel that it is well balanced already
Stimpaks and most cooked food provide insane healing in vanilla FO4. Stimpaks, for example, heal 30% of your total health over only 5 seconds, making you almost invincible while using them. Cooked meat heals 5-20 HP per second, which is also godlike in battle.
So here's what you can expect now:
- Stimpaks are still the best healing, but the 30% HP is healed at the rate of 3% over 10 seconds, instead of 6% over 5 seconds
- Soda provides small bursts of health, with radiation. 3 HP/sec and up
- Water heals 1.5 HP/sec
- Animal meat heals only 0.5 HP/sec
- Cooked meats heal 2+ HP/sec over time (20 to 60 seconds)
- Soups and omelettes are hardier and heal 2.5+ HP/sec over time (30 - 60 seconds)
- Packaged food heals 1.5 HP/sec
- Raw vegetables and fruits heal at 1 HP/sec
- Blood packs heal less, and are better saved for making Stimpaks
- Perks can still raise these values just like before
None right now.
Possible: Sneak attack bonuses seem kinda high, especially without any points in the Ninja perk (2X damage). What if the starting bonus was 1.5X damage (50% more)?
I recommend to use the latest version of the Fallout 4 Nexus Mod Manager:
This mod was made in Fo4edit.
I've made similar gameplay overhaul mods in previous Bethesda games:
Adventurers New Vegas - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34890/
Adventurers Oblivion - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/4025/
SUPER Adventurers 3 (Morrowind) - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42459/
0.1 - The first update mostly had changes to the levelled lists for items. Released for internal testing
0.2 - Adjusted contents of containers again, especially trash bins, ammo boxes and tool chests. Added stimpak and food changes.
这是作者原话 我就不瞎翻译了···水平有限 大概就是核心很罕见了 弹药箱里的子弹数量减少了或是没有了 开箱子一般垃圾多了 调整了食物回血的比例使得在游戏冒险体验更危险更不容易了
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