本帖最后由 上官云岚 于 2015-12-15 19:21 编辑
Fixed 修复
Fixed: Placing Chair Rotation is Off 椅子旋转功能关闭 Fixed: City Hubs not randomly rolling theirsize 城市不是随机大小 Fixed: When old rejoining a game you cannottrack your friend 从新加入游戏无法追踪队友 Fixed: Land claim does not protect thesupposed area 领土石不保护范围内物品 Fixed: Block id 921 and 922 drop scrapmetal when broken and leave girders when falling (Joel) ID921和922的方块破坏时产生废铁,掉落时留下废料 Fixed: Leveled loot not working properly onMultiplayer 多人游戏中搜索机制不起作用 Fixed: SpawnEntity playerid minibike doesnot work 无法给玩家发摩托车 Fixed: Typo in the sounds.xml related tohornet fly sounds.xml中黄蜂飞行声音描述错误 Fixed: Tube drywall made of wood and nowdrops wood debris 管状石膏板有木头制作,现在破坏后掉落木头 Fixed: Some mushrooms are underrocks/invisible 有些蘑菇刷在岩石下面看不见 Fixed: metal street lamp stores signpostsbreak down into destroyed stone 金属路灯和路标分解成毁坏的石头 Fixed: blocks that are supposed to slowplayers down like barbed wire 有些方块被误认为是被减缓速度的玩家,比如铁丝网 Fixed: Zombie cop loot container not bigenough for all loot 军肥搜索栏不够大,装不下他掉落的物品 Fixed: green metal roofs dropping wooddebris 绿色金属屋顶被攻击时掉木头碎片 Fixed: Concrete trim now drops destroyedstone 混凝土角现在掉落破坏的石头 Fixed: Dead shrub sounds like grass whenhit, now it sounds like wood 枯萎的灌木被攻击时发出草的声音,现在改为木头的声音
Fixed: Torches attach to wall in a weirdway 火把在墙上的一个奇怪的样子 Fixed: Rockets exploding on water surface 火箭在水面爆炸 Fixed: MaxGenerationDistance from center inRWG not working RWG中心最大生成距离不起作用 Fixed: Goggles have no durability 护目镜没有耐久度 Fixed: Pickaxe to do correct block damage 铁镐对方块产生正常伤害 Fixed: hovering over landmine sets it off 鼠标指向地雷不显示 Fixed: Log cabin recipe was broken 小木屋合成方式损坏 Fixed: Debug info carries over from sp toservers 从sp到服务器进行调试信息 Fixed: Wrench range 扳手的操作范围 Fixed: Wrench losing durability whenhitting air 扳手空挥降低耐久(没遇见过) Fixed: Creative Mode is only available inNavezgane 创造模式仅能在有限地图起作用 Fixed: All grass that was possibly droppinggrass instead of plant fibers 所有草可能掉落草,而不是植物纤维(没遇见过) Fixed: Spelling of caffeine in buffs 咖啡buff拼写问题(根本没看过。。。) Fixed: Minibike moves on its own up hills 摩托车自己开上山(怪坡现象,肯定没拉手刹) Fixed: Chopping down trees no longerdamages player 砍倒树再也不会砸死玩家(大赞!!) Fixed: Using minibike to jump through awall 开摩托车会穿过墙壁(再也不会穿墙和掉地心了吗!!) Fixed: Player Kills awarded endlessly eventhough player killer is not involved 玩家被杀死不显示击杀者(遇到过) Fixed: Chat box closes when dying 临死时聊天框关闭 Fixed: Zoom function stutters/snaps 缩放功能断断续续/卡住 Fixed: Recipe swapping when closingcrafting and reopening 关闭制作和重新开始时候合成表更换 Fixed: Improved walk and run animationplayback speeds on players so they skate less 改善走路跑步的动画播放速度,使玩家不再打滑 Fixed: Run/walk playback speed so fullspeed runs are played correctly 走路/跑步播放速度,使全速状态下可以正常播放 Fixed: Specular on cowboy hat 牛仔帽的镜面效果 Fixed: Some keybinds activate on releasingkey 一些快捷键的激活和释放 Fixed: Own explosions killing oneself countas kills 自己炸死自己算作杀敌(也是,毕竟你确实杀死了玩家。哈哈哈哈) Fixed: Lighting pipe bomb doesn’t playsound 管状炸弹不播放声音 Fixed: Enabling voice ingame causes errorwhen trying to talk 在游戏中启用语音聊天时导致的错误 Fixed: Generic death animation 一般的死亡动画 Fixed: Specular/Shiny animals atdusk/night/dawn 黄昏/夜间/黎明会反光/发光的动物(动物灵?) Fixed: Eye specularity now reflects theenvironment 眼镜现在反射周围环境 Fixed: Auger Damaging Blocks Around YourTarget Block 电钻会破坏目标周围的方块 Fixed: Null reference when pressing escapewhile joining server 加入服务器的同时按下ESC键会引用空值 Fixed: Null reference error on new gamemenu 新建游戏菜单上的空引用 Fixed: Black spots and strange map tilesafter reconnecting to dedicated server (Chris) 从新连接服务器后,地图上的黑点和奇怪的东西 Fixed: Black skies on Mac/Linux Mac/Linux系统下黑色的天空 Fixed: Some mesh particles from diggingdirt were spawning black in sunlight 在阳光下挖土会产生一些网状物体效果 Fixed: animal harvest bug giving too muchmeat 收获动物给太多肉的bug Fixed: Dead mountain pine billboard bug 枯萎山地松树广告牌bug(???) Fixed: Torch light so it’s on the torchinstead of behind players 火炬的光源在火炬上,而不是玩家身上 Fixed: Wrong ceiling blocks in moderncabins 小木屋天花板的错误方块 Fixed: Random NRE on dedi 提供随机太阳能设备 Fixed: Stairs in cinema are rotated wrong 电影院楼梯方向错误 Fixed: Wooden Bow could not be repaired 木弓无法维修 Fixed: scrap Iron Spike is upgraded withmetal not wood 废铁木桩刺升级使用金属,不再是木头 Changed: Crossbow now uses wood for repair 弩使用木头修复(这条是改变,不是修复,估计他们复制错地方了) Fixed: Save Game gets broken afterdisconnect when server did not respond anymore 当服务器没有响应断开连接后,游戏无法保存 Fixed: Player data error on Dedi & MP Dedi & MP模式玩家数据错误 Fixed: smoothing on skullcap 平滑的小帽子 Fixed specular on concrete textures 混凝土结构的镜面反射 Fixed: Player names can be ceen throughwalls 玩家名字可以隔墙显示 Fixed: Animation for eating does not syncwith item count 吃东西的动画和物品数量变化不同步 Fixed: Campfire sounds are differentbetween game types 篝火声音不同的问题 Changed: Added another stage to infection.The first version can be cured with honey or antibiotics and has no negativeside effects. After 24 hours it transitions to the traditional infection, stage1,2,3 and 4. 增加了另一个阶段的感染。第一个阶段可以用蜂蜜或抗生素治疗,没有负面的副作用。24小时候后变为以前的感染阶段1。(同样是复制错地了,也是够马虎的,不过这个修改还是不错的) Fixed: Some icons having a white linearound the corners 一些图标在拐角处有一个白色的线 Fixed: Dropped doors fall through the world 掉落的门会破坏下面的物体 Fixed: It is now possible to build a treehouse 现在可以建一个树屋(就是说树木算作方块了) Fixed: Bear not affected by safe zones 熊不受安全区影响(指的是熊攻击不会触发领地石效果吧) Fixed: window03wood could be shot through 木窗03可以穿透子弹(就是没玻璃的窗户) Fixed: Oversized lampshade in top floor ofapartment building 在公寓楼的顶层的超大灯光阴影 Fixed: Bad block rotations in old west jail 旧西部监狱被损坏的方块旋转角度 Fixed: Lit pipebomb can be collectedwithout exploding 点燃但没爆炸的管状炸弹可以被收集 Fixed: Can now shoot through frames 现在可以通过框架射击(我觉得now是不是写错了,应该是not,无法通过框架射击) Fixed: Dedicated server checks fornon-allowed characters in game name (Christian) 服务器会检查非允许字符的游戏名字(国外页游火星文?) Fixed: Allowed characters for game namesare now: “A” – “Z”, “a” – “z”, “0” – “9”, “.”, “-“, “_” 允许的游戏名字字符包括:“A” – “Z”, “a” – “z”, “0” – “9”, “.”, “-“, “_” Fixed: Coffee and Chrysanthemum are nowunified like other crops, they cannot be taken, but must be harvested 咖啡和菊花现在统一与其它作物一样不能被拾取,但是可以被破坏 Fixed: Exception: Unrecognized statmodifier type 无法识别的属性修饰类型 Fixed: Exploding arrow splash damagetravels through blocks 爆炸箭的溅射伤害可穿过方块 Fixed: Water in buckets 桶里的水 Fixed: Fixed zombie stuns: bullet/explosiondamage stun is not based on player stamina. 修改僵尸被击晕效果:子弹和爆炸伤害造成的击晕效果不在与玩家体力挂钩 Fixed: Hornets and dogs turn into goreinstead of a human looking carcass 黄蜂和狗的尸体直接变成血块,不会变成年人形尸体 Fixed: All hold types so items that useburlap sack for a hand item are held correctly 所有手持类型的物品都使用单手拿麻袋的方式 Fixed: Damage decal on some blocks goingthrough too fast 一些方块损坏太快的贴图 Fixed: Tazas stone axe so it can harvest,and it now extends the regular stone axe so everything should be unified exceptfor its unique attributes 塔扎斯石斧现在可以被搜索到,而普通小石斧已经经过了修改,所以两者属性要统一,除了它本身附带的独特属性 Fixed: Lead and clay fall exploit 铅和黏土的开采 Fixed: Wood debris providing infiniteresources 木材碎片提供无限的资源 Fixed: RMB function for repair tools locksin when opening inventory/map while RMB is upgrading 在打开仓库或地图的同时升级RMB的时候,RMB功能锁定(RMB?) Fixed: Duct tape cannot be scrapped 不能分解胶带 Fixed: Fast degradation of mp5 MP5耐久度下降过快 Fixed: Chainsaw harvest triggers multipledestroy events on e.g. trees 用电锯收个触发多个破坏事件,例如树(就是说电锯还有过群攻的时候?) Fixed: auger mining through two blocks 电钻攻击穿透两个方块(破甲一击!) Fixed: Iron sights have recoil 狙击模式加入后坐力 Fixed: zombies cannot see through frames 僵尸无法通过框架发现玩家 Fixed: Candle table awarding torch whenbroken 蜡烛台破坏是掉落火炬 Fixed: Azalea blocks tree seed placement Azalea方块上树种的位置 Fixed: Connecting to a server withsteam://connect/ links 连接到steam服务器: //connect/ links Fixed: Can’t join a coop game a friend isin if the host is not your friend 不能加入一个关闭的游戏的朋友,是因为服主不是你好友 Fixed: zombie crawler bite animation 爬地僵尸撕咬的动作 Fixed: Null Ref – EModelZombieUMA.Update 具体不翻了,就是说修改了一个僵尸模型 Fixed: campfire giving too many stones onharvest. Now it gives half the recipe on destroy 回收营火获得过多的石头。改为回收一半材料 Fixed: Recipe on log cabin being too cheap 小木屋合成材料太少了(尼玛。。。) Fixed: repair on a bunch of blocks 修复了一堆方块 Fixed: Plains Tree Blocks Wood FramePlacement 平原地形上的树庄分布 Fixed: State of hatches not properly savedon reclogging 舱口从新关闭的不正确状态 Fixed: Coffins making cloth sounds whendestroyed 敲碎棺材发出布的声音 Fixed: Campfire dupe get 2 for 1 删除重复的营火数据 Fixed: Out of Memory ERR Dedicated MP 多人游戏的内存不足错误(然而还是会有) Fixed: Players spawn not exactly on theirsleeping bag 玩家不一定复活在睡袋上 Fixed: Splinting a sprained leg slowed youdown 夹板治疗扭伤反而会减慢你的速度(12.5的bug) Fixed: Floating trees in new house backyard 在新房子的后院漂浮的树 Fixed: Falling blocks have no audio 方块掉落没有声音 Fixed: Place animation of minibike chassiswas playing wrong animation 摩托车地盘播放了错误的动画 Fixed: Backpacks dropped by players shouldnot support anything 玩家死亡掉落的背包无法承重 Fixed: Updated collision on sleeping bag toprevent seeing through cave exploit 更新睡袋碰撞体积,防止通过挖掘被看到 Fixed: floating geometry on level 3 vaultdoor 3级金库门开关的几何图形 Fixed: Lines missing between server info inbrowser 浏览器中服务器信息缺少的行(后台反馈数据丢失?) Fixed: z fighting in afro hair 黑人头发上的Z战斗(什么玩意?) Fixed: Too many chunks in cache whendedicated server is empty 当服务器没人时,缓存过多的数据 Fixed: UV error on house door LODs. 住宅门的UV错误 Fixed: Windowed mode won’t go to 1920 x1080 without a restart 窗口模式1920*1080分辨率不正常 Fixed: Various headgears not hiding hairand enabling hair back when removed 各种不隐藏头发的头饰穿头而出 Fixed: Applied splint is not modifyingbroken leg speed 使用夹板不修复断腿的减速效果 Fixed: Air drop appears to levitate inplace and not fall for a very long time 空投似乎不会在投放位置漂浮很长时间 Fixed: drinking fountains were incorrectlyrotated in stores and the school 商店和学校里饮水机摆放位置错误 Fixed: Collapsing large gas station rooffrom bad stability 稳定性很差的倒塌的大型加油站屋顶 《修复部分结束》 |