- 贡献度
- 245
- 金元
- 17497
- 积分
- 2740
- 精华
- 1
- 注册时间
- 2010-3-5
Just want to mention few important tips for Fallout 4. Official game RAM requirements is incorrect, it need at least 8.5 Gb of available memory, so installed RAM size must be more than 10 Gb for OS and other processes. If you don't have enough RAM, the swap file will be used and quickly kill ssd drive if located in there and of course expect huge performance drops. Even if you have 16 Gb of RAM, do not disable swap file and set it at least to 1 Gb, otherwise game will not work properly. Users with less than 8 Gb must use very big swap file size to avoid crashes and every other fancy features of Bethesda games. For future mods with hi-res texture packs i recommend to buy at least 16 Gb RAM (but bigger is better with ENBoost).
官方内存需求是错误的, 它至少需要8.5gb的空余内存, 所以内存大小一定要超过10Gb
假如你没有足够的内存, 它会使用虚拟内存
假如你有16G内存 也不要关闭虚拟内存 至少有1Gb虚拟内存 否则游戏会不能正常工作
8Gb内存以下的用户 务必设定一个巨大的虚拟内存以避免跳出以及其他b社游戏有趣的特色......
为了未来的高清材质的mod 我推荐至少购买16Gb内存 |