本帖最后由 lowinglok2002 于 2015-11-7 19:27 编辑
這是來自reddit 的玩家經驗談。
This is just a quick, non-spoilerish post to toss out my personal thought on my biggest mistake playing FO4 so far. It's been plaguing me and I regret a lot because I'm an elitist asshole min/maxer and I'm just sharing this experience because it may help you in planning out an initial build better than me. 這是一個沒有劇透的個人想法,希望可以令大家建造一個比我好的人物。
Initially, I didn't have much in Charisma because I just shrugged and thought the following - 因為以下的想法,我開始的時候並沒有加太多點到魅力。
"Skills for my dog? Meh, whatever, I'll probably use humans and not care much about the dog." 給狗肉加點? 超,我才不玩狗呢,找美女作伴阿。
"Shops in my settlements? Meh, whatever, why do I need more shops? I can find stuff to buy at other places." 在聚居點建立商店? 超, 我不需要更多的商店, 我可以在其他地方買阿。
"Turn enemies passive and potentially protect me etc? Meh, whatever, if you're good you shouldn't need the help." (oh how little did I know... Survival mode is laughing at me atm) 威嚇敵人來保護自己? 超, 我超屌的那僧需要這些阿。(我真是什麼都不知道阿。生存模式正在嘲笑我)
A) The dog is ridiculously powerful. I have had plenty of moments of jaw-dropping and saying, holy shit my dog is actually a terminator sent back in time to fuck up post-apocalyptic bandits for me. And when you skill him up, he can get nutty. Watching Dogmeat single-handedly skullfuck an enemy while you just sit and watch smiling is one of the most rewarding elements of this game, IMHO 狗肉事實上是超級強大。 我相當驚訝地發現,狗肉簡直就是魔鬼終結者。 當加點到狗肉,它的實力就見真章了。 見到狗肉單槍匹馬KO對手,再對你微笑簡直就是遊戲中最好的經驗。
B) The shops aren't "just" shops, they generate revenue for you depending on how big your settlements are and once you're running a steady network of settlements and pulling survivors in constantly, you make bank on this. Think Assassin's Creed style passive income, with the initial set-up cost paying for itself ten times over eventually. This feels a lot like that, it may be one of the highest reward-per-point-spent skills in the game. 商店並不只是一般商店,它會產生與聚居點規模相當的收入。當你的聚居點穩定了,人夠多了,它會幫你賺好多錢。這個技能的回報可能所有技能中最大的了。
C) I cannot even begin to tell you how pointing a gun to shoot at something, only to have it suddenly stop rushing you, and then actually turn around and attack his friends instead can just instantly shift the course of a fight. It is a-b-s-u-r-d when it goes off at the perfect times. Trust me, don't ignore the Charisma tree. Don't make my same mistake. Many levels of leveling it up later in the game in regret did not make me happy, every level up is a huge deal. I'll write up some other tips when I get a chance post-BlizzCon because I feel like there are a lot of things I'd do differently starting from scratch knowing what I know now, but for now this is my big one. 我現在都沒有了拿槍打人的感覺了,現在只要指住敵人,它們就會自己開始自相殘殺。所以,千萬不要小看魅力,我現在真是後悔極了。
PS. Once we have maps and guides on where to find the Charisma Bobbleheads, this obviously won't be as big of a deal. Right now, I'm playing without them (and probably would anyway, ...probably... ...maybe) so I don't have that luxury. I suppose you could plan for +2-3 Charisma once those are available. Either way, plan for +1 Perception right away because the first Bobble you find is in a very, very obvious spot very early in the game, and it's a +PER Bobble. PS. 第一个娃娃是+感知的,很好拿而且很早就能拿到,所以加点的时候在感知上可以省下一点