规格错误搞的满城风雨,NVIDIA CEO 首度为此道歉与承诺错误将不再发生。在今年初爆发的 GeForce GTX 970 末段显存性能低落的事件至今,NVIDIA CEO 黄仁勋罕见地在官方 Blog 上发出公开信。
内文指出未能在 Maxwell 架构一发表时,採用该架构的 GeForce GTX 970 因设计问题,提供以往没有的特殊分段显存存取功能,意即从 3GB 显存提升至 4GB,让显示卡在不删减部分规格下,得以使用额外 1GB 容量。遗憾的是,内部与行销团队间沟通不良,造成规格表中误植错误的数字,造成 GeForce 显示卡爱用者与 GeForce GTX 970 使用者误解。 同时也提到,将显存删减与保留最大容量这 2 个选择,他们选择后者,原因在于大容量显存在现今游戏中,能够拥有更佳的游戏体验,而 NVIDIA 正是为此而持续开发,力求给使用者更完美的产品。 黄仁勋在文末强调,NVIDIA 未来将不会让类似的事情发生,同时将持续为使用者提供更佳的产品。
Hey everyone, Some of you are disappointed that we didn’t clearly describe the segmented memory of GeForce GTX 970 when we launched it. I can see why, so let me address it. We invented a new memory architecture in Maxwell. This new capability was created so that reduced-configurations of Maxwell can have a larger framebuffer – i.e., so that GTX 970 is not limited to 3GB, and can have an additional 1GB. GTX 970 is a 4GB card. However, the upper 512MB of the additional 1GB is segmented and has reduced bandwidth. This is a good design because we were able to add an additional 1GB for GTX 970 and our software engineers can keep less frequently used data in the 512MB segment. Unfortunately, we failed to communicate this internally to our marketing team, and externally to reviewers at launch. Since then, Jonah Alben, our senior vice president of hardware engineering, provided a technical description of the design, which was captured well by several editors. Here’s one example from The Tech Report. Instead of being excited that we invented a way to increase memory of the GTX 970 from 3GB to 4GB, some were disappointed that we didn’t better describe the segmented nature of the architecture for that last 1GB of memory. This is understandable. But, let me be clear: Our only intention was to create the best GPU for you. We wanted GTX 970 to have 4GB of memory, as games are using more memory than ever. The 4GB of memory on GTX 970 is used and useful to achieve the performance you are enjoying. And as ever, our engineers will continue to enhance game performance that you can regularly download using GeForce Experience. This new feature of Maxwell should have been clearly detailed from the beginning. We won’t let this happen again. We’ll do a better job next time. Jen-Hsun