Penny Arcade Adventures on the Rain - Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1

英文名称:Penny Arcade Adventures on the Rain - Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1
开发厂商:Hothead Games
发行厂商:Hothead Games
- Windows® 2000/XP/VistaTM with latest updates
- Pentium® III, AMD AthlonTM 1.0 GHz or better
- ATI RadeonTM 9500 or better, NVIDIA GeForceTM FX 5200 or better, Intel® GMA 950 or better with 64 MB of video memory (shared or dedicated)*
- 512 MB of available system memory
- 350 MB of available hard drive space (185 MB installed)
Release Type:
[ ] Registration/Serial Crack
[ ] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[ ] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[X] Other: DRMActivation
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
Install rainslickep1_windows_r1.exe. After installation copy
precracked exe from the Crack folder to the installed folder of
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1, making sure to
overwrite the existing file. You now have a fully activated
version of On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1!
游戏开发商Hothead Games宣布《彭尼街道冒险:暗黑雨崖(Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness)》第一集制作完成。游戏中将保持两位著名的网络游戏漫画名人Tycho 和Gabe漫画一贯的讽刺和幽默,游戏发售预计将于本季度末通过Greenhouse下载服务进行,售价19.95美元。以下是详细内容:
“《彭尼街道冒险:暗黑雨崖》第一集是款RPG冒险游戏,故事发生在20世纪20年代的新阿卡迪亚,玩家将加入与Gabe和Tycho一起的Startling Developments Detective Agency行列同邪恶势力进行斗争。该游戏是Hothead Games和Penny Arcade的合作之作,专门设计的Mike ”Gabe’ Krahulik和Jerry ”Tycho” Holkin人物、故事情节和对话都独具特色。”
Here we are…another episode game. This one is made by Hothead Games & Penny Arcade and released by TE. This genre becomes trend in PC games. Sometimes they make 1 episode and then nothing…like the game never existed. But let’s hope that this would not happen to this one. There are lot’s of episode games and they are mostly very popular (e.g. like Sam & Max episodes that is made four younger crowd but this game is a little bit serous) mostly because of humor in them but in this one is action too! You can use a lot of weapons (like prong or paint ball gun,rocks,rockets) as the game develops. Create your own player (even with dorky glasses and chose his clothes,head shape…and many more).
Opening animation is good and starts with a VERY serious poem. If you want to know how it goes you have to install the game and see it by yourself. I’m telling you wont be disappointed. I give this game a score of 8/10. After all the game has little hardware requirement and has been made for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux & X Box (this version is for WINDOWS). My opinion is: They have done the job good. On us is just to play it and maybe buy it if you will like it like me.
Description: Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode 1 is the first installment in the RPG-Adventure game series based on the web comic Penny Arcade. Create your character in the classic comic style, and join Gabe and Tycho in the alternate 1920s universe of New Arcadia, where you’ll combat savage enemies, solve mysteries, meet bizarre new characters, and discover their distinctive adult humor for a 100% authentic Penny Arcade experience!
Game features: - Create-a-Player System lets you design and develop your own character, seeing it come to life in 3D and in the comic-style 2D cut scenes
- Dynamic turn-based combat system, over-the-top animations, and team-up moves during enemy battles
- Classic adventure game play combines with RPG elements to unravel the game’s mysteries and puzzles
- Authentic Penny Arcade story and dialogue written exclusively by Jerry Holkins
- Includes Gabe, Tycho, Annarchy and many other favorite Penny Arcade characters, plus new characters designed by Mike Krahulik

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日本A社推出的小游戏:戦国ランス - 三匹が斬ったり突いたり燃やしたり(超昂天使+战国兰斯????)
下载点: 点那个dowmload(169MB) (完整版)
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