- 贡献度
- 6
- 金元
- 5606
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- 注册时间
- 2008-12-17
本帖最后由 qinhao6281 于 2014-9-18 13:14 编辑
Mouse button remaps now save and load
All remaps now save and load on closing the GUI, rather than requiring a full save
Fixed Ctrl, Alt and Tab so you can remap with them
C A TAB键可以自定义为其他键了
Added Inventory control options to remapping (You can change Insert, Home,, Delete and End to something else)物品栏可以自定义按键了,比如insert home delete end这几个键
Fixed a script issue with digging glyphs in Necropolis 修正挖掘时的一个脚本问题
Hard Mode – Removed ability to farm gold by selling houses with trophies 不再可以利用战利品BUG卖房子刷钱了
Fixed highlight effect on textures with Alpha (trolls for example)修复一些材质的高亮效果
Updated eye textures 眼睛材质替换了
Updated eye placement in children 童年时期角色的眼睛材质替换了
Fixed a crash with wife gifting 修复送给老婆礼物时候的崩溃问题
Fixed cutscene 修复一些过场动画
Fixed texture on Windbreakers Rule Book 修复破风者的符文书的材质
Fixed Moustache colour morphing 修复胡子的颜色的变色过快的问题
Added error message for running out of Video Memory 显存溢出现在有错误信息
Fixed flickering sky at 3am 凌晨三点的天空不在闪硕了
Fixed hero morphs in the stats screen 修复状态懒里英雄变异的问题(变老,变胖过快等等)
Fixed new profile reverting back to previous profile on front end修复建立新档案(英雄)的时候会覆盖以前档案的情况
Added borders to cover UI clipping on non 16:9 screens (please test this especially if you are using 3rd party plugins for widescreen)