DescriptorID : the instance’s Id, nothing much to say and you probably won’t have to touch this unless you want to remove/add units
Modules : a list of different special instances of classes called “modules”, modules control most of a unit’s behavior. They are very important for modding a units specific part. We ‘ll see later how to work with them.
_ShortDataBaseName : probably useless ? No idea, really.
ClassNameForDebug : useless for modding.
StickToGround : boolean determining… well if a unit stick to the ground I guess ? This field may have no use at all but seems to separate Helicopters from other kind of units.
The ArmorDescriptor(s) : reference to a TArmorDecriptor instance which determine the armor value of the selected side. Armor values goes from 0 (null) to 23 (yes, 23) but are still displayed going from 0 to 20 anyway.
ManageUnitOrientation : true = unit will always show they most armored side to the greatest threat, false = unit will show whatever side their pathfinding made them to.
HitRollSizeModifier : float determining the accuracy malus/bonus due to the unit’s size can be 0.05 (% ?) or -0.15.
DeathExplosionAmmo : refer to a TAmmunition instance, is probably used to determine the explosion animation based on the Ammunition instance supplied. No idea yet about how it works exactly.
IconeType (IconType) : integer pointing to a unit type list probably.
PositionInMenu : probably the unit’s position in the Armory, dunno if it’s in a global list of just whithin a category (TANK, INF, ect) menu. Might be just a remanent of WEE.
NameInMenuToken : a localisation hash (hence a reference to the hash table of the unit dictionary), it probably determine the unit’s name diplayed in the uit’s icon in the armory and production menu.
Category : point to a category list ( INF, REC, etc)
AcknowUnitType : probably determine a unit’s audio acknow when given an order.
TypeForAcknow : honestly no idea…
Nationalite (Nationality) : determine a unit’s faction, null = NATO, 1 = Pact.
MotherCountry :The actual country of the unit. Thanks to Fleff for this one.
ProductionYear: pretty explicit.
MaxPack : number of card of said unit you can add in a deck.
UppgradeRequire : not formal use in WAB beside putting some vehicle in the same line in the Armory.
Factory : change a unit’s category in the armory and production menu (in-game). Thanks to homerfcb.
ProductionPrice: a unit’s cost(s), actually only the top cost of the list actually matter, the rest are probably remanent of WEE or some old design, just dont care about the rest.
MaxDeployableAmmount : a list of a unit’s avaibilities, each of the value refer to a particular veterancy hence the first value is the avaibility at recruit vet’.
ShowInMenu : list of boolean determining if a unit can be viewable in the Armory.
ProductionTime: time need for the unit to appear at a reinforcement point (in seconds ?).
Is the same for all units in WAB vanilla.
CoutEtoile (StarCost) : relic of WEE and WAB early beta, useless.
TextureForInterface: refer to a TUITextureRessource, is basically the unit’s image in the production menu, the small unit "cards" you see in menu.
TextureMotherCountryForInterface : The country flag used in the small unit "cards" you see in menu.
UnitTypeToken : list of localisationhash that refer to a unit’s possible deck types (motorized, etc…). Be sure to look for the hash at a interface_outgame.dic. Thanks to AJE.
UnitMovingType : determine a unit’s locomotion type (tracked, wheeled…). Might be useless since a proper module already take care of this.
VitesseCombat (CombatSpeed) : determine a unit’s locomotion speed ? Might be useless since a proper module already take care of this.
IsPrototype : pretty explicit
TextureTransportForInterface : probably refer to the image used to represent infantry in a transport.
Key : absolutely no idea.
HitRollECMModifier : Malus/bonus to hit roll due to ECM.
CriticModule : manager determining whatkind of critic can a unit receive.
TargetCoordinatorModule : constant among all unit instances.
Inflammable : constant among all unit instances.
LinkTeam : constant among all unit instances.
Experience: constant among all unit instances except for supply units.
AppearanceModel : manage how a unit is rendere in-game, include : sounds, special effects, models (meshes).
Halo : probably manage the selection interface (the “halo” around a unit).
MouvementHandler : control the way a unit moves, its speed and agility.
WeaponManager : control the behavior and stats of a unit’s weapons.
Cadavre (corpse)
IAStratModule :
Debug : nothing for us to touch.
Transportable : (for infantries only)
Capturable : (for supply units only)
Supply : (for supply units only)
Transporter : (for transport vehicles and helicopters only)