大家好,我是巨硬! 微软官方今日对XBOX ONE Kinect体感装置收集用户信息的内容更新了隐私声明。内容指出Kinect2收集到的XBOX ONE用户体征,外貌信息内容将保持完全的保密状态。
对于聊天对话服务方面,隐私保密程度略有不同。声明指出,XBOX ONE用户在使用XBOX Live通讯,聊天,在线对战游戏过程中互相交流时并不会遇到隐私泄露有关的问题。
In terms of voice chat, however, the privacy statement advises users they “should not expect any level of privacy concerning your use of the live communication features such as voice chat, video and communications in live-hosted gameplay sessions offered through the Services.” Microsoft says it may monitor communications “to the extent permitted by law, but we cannot monitor the entire Service and make no attempt to do so.” The company reminds users that other players could record and use your communications on Xbox Live and your “communications in live-hosted gameplay sessions may also be broadcast to others.”