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[求助] 我己把三国无双5英文版的英语语音导入到繁中版,但击破敌将和压制据点翻译不太一样,求帮翻译下









Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2013-3-12 12:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
赵云:Another has fallen to my spear!
关羽:I claim another victory in the name of my brother!
张飞:That's another notch for my blade!
诸葛亮:There is no greater weapon than a prepared mind.
刘备:Those who stand in the way of virtue shall fail!
马超:I fight in the name of justice!
黄忠:I have defeated yet another enemy officer!
魏延:Enemy officer...defeated...
关平:Another victory in honor of my father!
庞统:Hey!I defeated an officer!
月英:With each victory,I grow even stronger!

夏侯惇:Another victim has fallen to my blade!
典韦:Can anyone stop me?!
司马懿:The mind shall vanquish the sword!
张辽:Enemy officer defeated!
曹操:My ambition cannot be stopped!
许褚:How many was that?I've lost count already!
夏侯渊:That's another enemy pounded into submission!
徐晃:That's one more stepping stone on my path to true might!
张郃:As always,my victories are tinged with a hint of beauty!
曹仁:Another enemy outlasted!
曹丕:Not even fit to share the battlefield with me.
甄姬:Yet another officer bows before me!

周瑜:Enemy officer defeated!
陆逊:I have defeated an officer!
孙尚香:Who says a woman has to be weak?!
甘宁:You've got no chance against me!
孙坚:Fear the Tiger of Jiang dong!
太史慈:Pounded into submission!
吕蒙:One more for the glory of Wu!
黄盖:They just don't make enemy officers like they used to!
周泰:Enemy officer defeated.
凌统:Wow, somebody even lazier than I am.
孙策:One down, many more to go!
孙权:This officer bows before the might of the Sun family!
小乔:Come back later and try again!

貂蝉:See...I'm more than just a pretty face!
吕布:Can anybody provide me with a decent challenge?!
袁绍:Yet another enemy officer bows before me!
张角:The Heavens have spoken!

赵云:This base belongs to us now!
关羽:This is an important gain for our cause!
张飞:I'm still waiting for a real challenge!
诸葛亮:Bases are merely pawns in my larger strategy.
刘备:The enemy is weakened by every base we take!
马超:Another one falls in the name of justice!
黄忠:I have taken the enemy base!
关平:I have taken this stronghold in the name of Shu!
庞统:Look at that! Another base added to our collection.
月英:I have subdued this base!

夏侯惇:This base belongs to me now!
典韦:This place is ours now!
司马懿:Time to put this base to use in realizing my strategies.
张辽:This place is mine now!
曹操:I hereby claim this base as my own!
许褚:Haha! This base is all oure now!
夏侯渊:It's like they just wanted us to have this base.
徐晃:Taking enemy bases is a true measure of one's strength in battle!
张郃:This base is in desperate need of redecorating!
曹仁:Now that this base is mine,it shall never fall!
曹丕:This belongs to me.
甄姬:When l see something l want,l simply reach out and take it.

周瑜:Okay! The enemy will be at a disadvantage without this base!
陆逊:This shall serve as a foothold in our path towards victory!
孙尚香:This base is all mine!
甘宁:Haha! l'll be taking this base off your hands!
孙坚:I hereby claim this base in the name of Wu!
太史慈:Another fortress falls before my might!
吕蒙:A victory for strategy!
黄盖:Alright! This is another one that belongs to us!
周泰:I have occupied this territory in the name of our master.
凌统:Now that it belongs to us,who's gonna look after this base?
孙策:That's another base for Sun Ce!
孙权:I have assumed command of this base!
小乔:Hooray for me! l captured an enemy base!

貂蝉:This is one more step towards victory.
吕布:This base is all mine!
董卓:This base and every other one all belong to me!
袁绍:My forces have taken this base in my name!
张角:This structure shall serve as a strong foundation for my teachings!

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