
- 贡献度
- 3
- 金元
- 656
- 积分
- 18
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2006-11-25
<p> </p><p>刚才看错了.下面希望能帮你.</p><p>back to Pyrokar and tell him about the ritual. He will first refuse to participate because he does not trust Xardas. Talk to Xardas about Pyrokar. He gives you a key to a chest that is in farmer Sekob's house. <strong>You should also ask Xardas to go to the circle of thes. But he will only leave for the ritual when you have advanced to a higher rank in your guild, that means you must be a Paladin / a Dragon Hunter / a Magician of fire instead of a Militia / a Mercenary / a Novice.</strong> To become a paladin or dragon hunter, you must first free Bennet from jail (quest <a href="http://www.worldofgothic.com/gothic2/?go=g2komplettloesung#q090">Bennet is in the slammer</a>). Then speak to Lord Hagen / Bennet. (A novice already becomes a fire mage in the first chapter, so you don't have to do anything in that case. Nevertheless Bennet must be freed as you need him to repair the Eye.) Return to Xardas and send him to the ritual.</p><p>注意黑体字,只有你的身份是骑士(Paladin)或者是龙骑士(Dragon Hunter),Xardas才会跟你走.玩魔法师的话,不存在问题.</p><p>想成为骑士:救了Bennet后,到Lord Hagen那里申请吧.</p><p>想成为龙骑士,救了bennet后,回去雇佣兵农场(Onar's farm),跟bennet交谈,他会送你一件轻龙骑士装甲!到处显摆去吧,去跟Lee谈下,因为我不清楚穿了后是否就是龙骑士!估计要交谈下才激活龙骑士身份吧?</p><p></p> |