The first review of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate is printed in the latest issue of Spanish magazine Hobby Consolas. While details from the verdict are practically non-existent, we do know that the game received a 93% score – this is backed up by director Jose Luis Marquez.
Producer David Cox has been chatting about Mirror of Fate’s length on Twitter. One tidbit from the Hobby Consolas review claims that it will take just 9 hours to beat the game. Cox, however, says that figure is “total bollocks”.
On average, it took 16 hours to beat during testing – without reaching 100% completion. Cox did acknowledge that it may be possible for players to finish in 9 hours – he personally has been able to wrap things up in 8 hours – but doing so is “exceptional”.
《恶魔城暗影之王:命运之镜》的首个评分由最新一期的西班牙杂志Hobby Consolas放出,
尽管裁定的细节还没有出现,我们现在已经知道本作得到了93%的分数——这是由杂志编辑Jose Luis Marquez评定的。
制作人David Cox 在推特上说过MOF的流程长度。
Hobby Consolas的评分中的一个小贴士表示本作只需9个小时就能通关。