THE VERDICTWith more time, money, and effort, Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 could have been an entertaining, if basic brawler. You hear the mantra of “good concept, poor execution” with nearly absurd frequency these days. Ken's Rage 2 doesn't just exhibit poor execution, but poor understanding of what it's attempting to accomplish. Simple does not have to mean shallow, but that's precisely what it boils down to here. It truly is a sad day when you start with a character known for punching people so hard they spontaneously explode, and you manage to end up with something that's not only bad, but boring.
随着更多的时间、资金、精力的投入,北斗无双2本应该是很有趣的。而你这几天总会听到“不错的概念,糟糕的执行”这样的话。北斗无双2不仅仅执行很遭,你无法理解它想表达些什么。简单并不意味着一定要肤浅,但这游戏恰恰就是这样。这真是糟糕的一天,当你开始懂得用一个角色揍人,然后以他们自己爆炸作为终结,这样不仅很糟糕而且很无聊。 |