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本帖最后由 l19980623 于 2013-2-19 14:07 编辑
While THQ intended for the entire company to be sold, its creditors and bankruptcy judge rejected the plan, with the judge stating that the company's efforts to market itself prior to bankruptcy were not sufficient enough to allow such an "aggressive" sale. Creditors instead approved an auction of THQ's properties individually, held on January 22, 2013. The rights to theHomefront franchise will be acquired by Crytek (who is developing its sequel), Relic Entertainment will be sold to Sega, publishing rights to Turtle Rock Studios' "Evolve" project will be acquired by Take-Two Interactive, Ubisoft will acquire THQ Montreal and publishing rights to South Park: The Stick of Truth, while the publishing rights to the Metro games and Volition, Inc. will be acquired by Koch Media. Publishing rights to the WWE series will reportedly be acquired by Take-Two Interactive. Certain assets (including Vigil Games and THQ's publishing unit) will still be included in the Chapter 11 case, and all employees related to these entities were laid off. In a posting on Twitter, Platinum Games' Producer Atsushi Inaba expressed interest in acquiring the Darksiders franchise from THQ.
大意就是THQ旗下的游戏和工作室被肢解,眼看着THQ复活无望了...【国土防线】系列归Crytek,旗下的Relic Entertainment【就是做家园系列、战锤40K系列、英雄连系列的那个】卖给了SEGA,Turtle Rock的项目【在THQ下持有了一年多就被转卖】给了Take-Two【这个...是2K和R星的持有者,做了一堆的游戏】,【南方公园】归Ubisoft【育碧】,【地铁】系列以及Volition给了KOCH【持有Deep Silver工作室,一堆的游戏...】,WWE归Take-Two,【暗黑血统】可能会归Platinum【06年的日本公司プラチナゲームズ株式会社,作品不多】
In short, they are investing in a new start for our company. Whatever happens, the teams and products look likely to end up together and in good hands. That means you can still pre-order Metro: Last Light, Company of Heroes 2, and South Park: The Stick of Truth. Our teams are still working on those titles as you read this, and all other rumored titles, like the fourth Saints Row, the Homefront sequel, and a lot more are also still in the works.
希望这些游戏能有一个“a new start”,希望经典还能继续