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[转帖]g3 ini文件的调整说明
<div>从nforce上收集到的一些g3 ini文件的调整说明</div><div></div><div>GE3.INI: </div><div></div><div>和地面有关的:<br/> Camera.ZFar=10000.0 <br/> Camera.ZFarLowPoly=70000.0 <br/> (View distance for normal and lowpoly land, above values are the default) <br/> 可见的正常地面和低解析度地面的距离。<br/> <br/> Render.PrefetchGridCellSize=10000 <br/> (Cell grid distance, untested by me but should be the same as the above ZFar= ) <br/> 这个看来最好和ZFar设成一个值<br/> <br/> To increase the distance the ground textures switch from high to low resolution: <br/> - DistanceHigh.fFarClippingPlane_High=10000.0 <br/> - DistanceHigh.fFarClippingPlane_Medium=8000.0 <br/> - DistanceHigh.fFarClippingPlane_Low=6000.0 <br/> 设置显示高解析地面的距离,如果游戏里Distance High设成High效果还不够好,改大。<br/> 另外,fFarClippingPlane_High和PrefetchGridCellSize、ZFar默认是相等的,改的时候应该保持一致,免得画面出问题。<br/> <br/> - VegetationAdmin.ViewRange=3500.0 <br/> Raise this value to 6500.0 to double the distance grass is rendered. You can increase it even further or lower it a bit to improve performance. <br/> 可见的草地范围,看机子调整大小吧</div><div></div><div>和内存有关的:<br/> Cache.SizeImage=256000000 <br/> Cache.SizeMaterial=80000000 <br/> Cache.SizeMesh=140000000 <br/> Cache.SizeSound=160000000 <br/> Cache.SizeCollisionMesh=80000000 <br/> Cache.SizeAnimation=80000000 <br/> Cache.SizeSpeedTree=20000000 <br/> (Cache for game data - above values are doubled from the original values) <br/> 这里的值是默认值的两倍。个人意见是这个设置比较适合2G内存的,因为最低配置是1G,也就是说默认值是适合1G内存的机子,所以如果有1.5G内存,就都调成默认的1.5倍,2G就调成2倍。<br/> <br/> ;terrible bug on high detail, not allowing enough memory to trees <br/> ResourceCache.u32SpeedTreeMaxMemUsage_High=1000000 <br/> 一个很低级的bug,改成这样就对了</div><div></div><div>和画面效果有关的:<br/> Shader.EnableTreeShadows=true <br/> Shader.EnableStaticShadows=true<br/> Shader.EnableDetailShadows=true <br/> (Shadows, some require the above value to be 3_0 to work - should be set within game) <br/> 阴影,不用解说了。<br/> <br/> AnimationBlending.PhysicControllerDistance=1200.0 <br/> Animation.MaxRagDolls=999 <br/> (Amount of corpses and distance, no need to change it) <br/> 第一个看来是物理效果的有效范围,第二个是尸体数量,都改小应该能提高性能。不过改这个对性能的影响应该不大。<br/> <br/> Entity.ROI=4000.0 <br/> (NPC and creature view distance, try doubling it as a start or try to halve it for perfomance) <br/> 这个改小提升性能,调整能看到多远的NPC和动物<br/> <br/> To increase item and object draw distance (on high details): <br/> - ObjectDetails.fScreenObjectDistanceCulling_High=0. 008 <br/> - ObjectDetails.fProcessingRangeFadeOutRange_High=30 0.0 <br/> - ObjectDetails.fRangedBaseLoDOffset_High=300.0 <br/> 调整物品的可见范围,觉得游戏里high设置看得还不够远的话,调高这个。<br/> <br/> To move the blur effect further away: <br/> - Render.DOFStart=1000.0 <br/> - Render.DOFEnd=8000.0 <br/> 远景是被模糊的,这个设置看来是控制模糊从什么距离开始。对远景不满的可以调大这个。<br/></div> |