- 贡献度
- 42
- 金元
- 4352
- 积分
- 543
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2012-6-6
holyjean 发表于 2012-10-8 09:57
Abilities (EU2012) Your soldiers' actions on the battlefield can influenced by their individual Abilities (a.k.a. perks), which are given by their rank, class, equipment and/or perks purchased through the Officer Training School. In addition, the Aliens (and civilians) also share some of those abilities while possessing unique skills of their own.
A list of all abilities can be found below, with their in-game descriptions. More information about Abilities and their uses can be found on the links on top of each category.
EU2012=X-com:Enemy Unknow无误,你认为是别的甚么游戏呢?