本帖最后由 redrose168 于 2012-4-27 14:30 编辑
There is now a growing interest in the modding forums for new weapons and many of you are planning on making them, so I am creating a series of steps, using online resources and tutorials, that I have found invaluable in previous mods, to help you with the basics in starting your own projects
For the sake of these tutorials, most information will be directed towards 3DS Max and Photoshop, as I have no experience in any other software, however some information is based on the Full free download of the Softimage XSI Mod Tool, as this is compatible with Unreal and looks just like Max in it's modelling fundamentals.
I have resreved a number of posts to break down the creation process into their relative chapters, i.e. modelling, texturing and coding etc
Software Downloads:
3DS Max 2011 30 day trial
IC Shape
Tex Tools
Plugin Downloads:
Texporter plugin for 3DS Max and other software
NVidia DDS Pulgin for Photoshop
ActorX Exporter
UDK自定义武器制作教程(1-3) BY:百度ID:KTWO