本帖最后由 yahoocom 于 2012-4-8 05:28 编辑
Fantastic PC (and soon Xbox 360) RPG, The Witcher 2, sold 1,110,055 copies last year, developer CD Projekt Red has revealed.
Of those copies, 270,000 were sold via digital distribution platforms: 40,000 on GOG.com, which leaves the lion's share of the remainder presumably to Steam (numbers not disclosed).
But most "remarkable" to CDPR managing director Adam Badowski, was that 401,543 copies of The Witcher 1 were sold last year.
"I have to admit, though, that the sales results for The Witcher, five years on from the game's premier, are remarkable," he commented.
"If anything, they prove that the content we put into our games ages well.
"The Witcher will continue to generate buzz in the coming years."
其中在2011年年内, 巫师2销量达到110万零55套; 其中数字版为27万套, 其中GOG上的数字版为4万套, 其余为STEAM和D2D瓜分
2011年内, 巫师1 则卖出了40万1543套