首个DLC“FROM ASHES”, 售价10美元,目前已经被送至XBOX LIVE,将在游戏发售日的时候和本体游戏同时发售
BIOWARE在解释为何这DLC没包含在游戏本体内说道, 因为游戏内容是在游戏本体后制作的。。
收藏版的用户可以免费获得该DLC, 而普通版用户必须花10美元购买该首日DLC
PS:DAY 1 DLC收费,没记错的话是从龙腾世纪2开始的
DAO和质量效应2的时候, DAY 1 DLC你只要买一手游戏就全是免费的, 现在连DAY 1 DLC都要收钱
据国外游戏网站信息, 该DLC是主线剧情密不可分,而不是可有可无的支线剧情, 主要讲述为何PROTHEAN种族会在2代里变成COLLECTORS
The character is a Prothean, and is supposed to tell about the history between the Protheans and their fall into the collectors. This is Main story dlc, not some side aspect like the asteroid mission. So as far as I'm concerned this is pretty unacceptable. I posted the following in another article, summing up what Im seeing:
"Great, so anyone that bought the standard version is bent over a barrel having to pay the $10 dlc if you want the complete squad, and dont have the option to buy the CE version because it sold out.
The extra squad member was originally in the CE, then dropped. A lot of gamers cancelled their CE when that happened, and then it was added again. But this wasn't until after the CE completely sold out. Oh, and they cant make more because there was a limited # of hardcover books.
Thanks for officially selling out EA, and gouging the masses that buy the regular edition for $70 a copy if you want all the characters......so shady. ” |