请叫我 陆 夫 人
- 贡献度
- 1620
- 金元
- 52369
- 积分
- 11757
- 精华
- 4
- 注册时间
- 2009-11-23
本帖最后由 wokunnima 于 2011-7-21 10:42 编辑
更改内容- Access to the first Stronghold campaign map
- 增加据点战役第一关
- Changes in the main menu
- 主菜单修改
- Once they reach enough reputation points Avatars no longer need to go back to a town for selecting a reputation class. The hero window has changed: you can switch between reputation and creature information panels.
- 英雄进阶不再需要回到有酒馆的城镇进行,你可以直接在英雄属性窗口进行。
- Icons of abilities in the ability tree now reflect their reputation
- 能力树上的技能图标修改,以更明确的表示所属的声誉系。
- Numerous bug fixes
- 各种BUG修复
平衡修正全局修改- In multiplayer games Reputation points gained are multiplied by the experience modifier
- 多人地图里,声誉系统将使用和经验加速一样的倍数获得。
- Pursuing a fleeing creature will give 8 blood points instead of 5
- 追杀一队逃跑的野兵将会获得8点血系,而不再是5点。
- First reputation level requires 250 tears or blood points
- 声誉第一级需要的点数降到250点,原本是500点。
- Several week effects have been reduced (almost all effects will be reduced later)
- 一些特殊周的效果将会被削弱(几乎的特殊周效果都会随后被削弱)。
英雄能力平衡和修正- Tooltips with exact values added for the abilities
- 添加(修正)能力悬浮提示中的额外值。
- Several scaling problems have been fixed
- 一些比例问题将被修复。
- Several ability bug have been fixed
- 一些能力的BUG将会被修复
- Necromancy healing power reduced by 45%
- 役亡术的治疗效果削弱45%。
- Gating summoning power reduced by 45%
- 地狱异界门的召唤效果削弱45%。(……)
英雄初始能力(物技)平衡- Handler gives +1 core creature production (instead of +2)
- 指引者的核心级产量加成从+2改为+1。
- Kennel Master gives +3 Hell Hound growth (instead of +6)
- 犬魔导师的产量加成从+6改为+3。
- Lord of the Vacant gives +2 Lich growth (instead of +3)
- 空白之主的产量加成从+3改为+2。
- Sister Master gives +3 Sister growth (instead of +6)
- 修女导师的产量加成从+6改为+3。
- Shaman Master gives +2 Dreamwalker growth (instead of +3)
- 旅梦巫导师的产量加成从+3改为+2。
- Devotee of the Spring gives +2 Spring Spirit growth (instead of +3)
- 涧灵皈依者的产量加成从+3改为+2。
兵种数值修改- Core Creature growth in adventure map dwellings are decreased
- 大地图核心级兵种建筑的产量加成减少。
- Shark Guard growth decreased by 3
- 鲛卫减少3。
- Coral Priestess growth decreased by 3
- 珊瑚巫女减少3。
- Kappa growth decreased by 3
- 河童减少3。
- Skeleton growth decreased by 3
- 骷髅兵减少3。
- Ghoul growth decreased by 2
- 食尸鬼减少2。
- Ghost growth decreased by 3
- 幽魂减少3。
- Maniac growth decreased by 3
- 疯魔减少3。
- Hell Hound growth decreased by 2
- 犬魔减少2。
- Succubuss growth decreased by 2
- 艳魔减少2。
- Mauler growth decreased by 2
- 重击兵减少2。
- Goblin growth decreased by 4
- 地精减少4。
- Harpy growth decreased by 2
- 鸢女减少2。
- Sentinel growth decreased by 3
- 哨卫减少3。
- Crossbowman growth decreased by 2
- 劲弩手减少2。
- Sister growth decreased by 3
- 女祭司减少3。
- All elite creature basic and upgrade growth changes
- 所有精英级生物的基础产量和升级建筑产量修改。
- Deep Naga basic growth increased to 3, upgrade gives +1 growth (previously +2)
- 剑师从2+2改为3+1。
- Vampire Knight basic growth reduced to 4, upgrade gives +3 growth (previously +2)
- 吸血鬼从5+2改为4+3。
- Tormentor basic growth increased to 3, upgrade gives +1 growth (previously +2)
- 刑魔从2+2改为3+1。
- Juggernaut basic growth increased to 3, upgrade gives +1 growth (previously +2)
- 悍魔从2+2改为3+1。
- Centaur basic growth increased to 3, upgrade gives +1 growth (previously +2)
- 半人马从4+2改为3+1。
- Griffin basic growth increased to 3, upgrade gives +1 growth (previously +2)
- 狮鹫从2+2改为3+1。
- 冠军级兵种数值修改。
- 麒麟平均伤害从44增加至55,生命值从235增加至255。
- 圣麒麟平均伤害从46.5增加至57,生命值从245增加至265。
- 纺命蛛女(人形)平均伤害从40增加至49.5,生命值从260增加至280。
- 织命蛛后(人形)平均伤害从44增加至53.5,生命值从275增加至300。
- 纺命蛛女(蜘蛛)平均伤害从49增加至59.5,生命值从260增加至280。
- 织命蛛后(蜘蛛)平均伤害从53增加至63.5,生命值从275增加至300。
- 深渊邪魔平均伤害从43增加至52.5,生命值从250增加至270。
- 深渊领主平均伤害从49增加至59.5,生命值从260增加至280。
- 独眼巨人平均伤害从53.5增加至65,生命值从300增加至330。
- 怒眼独眼平均伤害从53.5增加至65,生命值从320增加至350。
- 炽天使平均伤害从40增加至51.5,生命值从280增加至300。
- 昊天使平均伤害从43增加至54,生命值从300增加至325。
- 凤凰平均伤害从49增加至59,生命值从200增加至220。