本帖最后由 savani 于 2011-4-28 22:06 编辑
Type类型: Might力量
Reputation声誉: Neutral中立
“Weather changes, the Samurai is a rock.”
Honourable warriors of the lotus-covered islands of Hashima, the Samurai's courage and steadfast loyalty is renowned throughout all of Ashan. Their commitment to duty and service to their patron lord supercedes all worldly desires and passions, making them explosive leaders of armies, and incredibly patient masters of swords. Typical Samurai are incredibly calm, but when action is required, they pounce more quickly than a Dragon Eel.武士是莲花环绕的哈西玛岛上最值得尊敬的战士,他们的勇气和忠诚享誉亚山大地。他们恪守承诺,尽忠职守,并将世俗的欲望与激情置之度外。这些品质造就了他们成为军队的领袖以及非凡超脱的刀剑大师。武士通常难以置信的冷静,但一旦接到命令,他们的突袭速度远胜于涛中蛟龙。
Samurai Abilities武士能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Calm Before the Storm风暴前的寂静
The Initiative and Might Power of Sanctuary friendly creatures are increased when they do not attack during their turn.
Type类型: Might力量
Reputation声誉: Tears泪
“Become one with that which you protect. The lands and people are your reflection.”
A Shogun is a Samurai that has mastered the technique of dissolution of personal desires and passions to the point that only action and purpose remain. These extremely rare individuals are renowned for their wisdom and steadfast resolve. When recognized by the Eternal Empress, the title of Shogun is awarded and the administration of vast expanses of imperial lands bestowed. Whenever the Naga Empire is in danger, the Shogun is often sent at the head of several armies.
龙殿将军是熟练掌握了将个人欲望与激情化解为行动与目的奥术的武士。龙殿将军极其特有智慧与坚毅让他们闻名遐迩。当获得不朽女王的加冕后,龙殿将军将会被赠予广阔的领土管辖权。无论何时只要娜迦帝国处在危难险境之中,龙殿骑士必定是急先锋。 Shogun Abilities龙殿将军能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Calm Before the Storm风暴前的寂静
The Initiative and Might Power of Sanctuary friendly creatures are increased when they do not attack during their turn. 当瀛洲的友军生物在其回合中没有发动进攻,那么他们的主动性和物理攻击就会提升。
Advanced Ability高阶能力: Eightfold Lotus八瓣莲花
Target stack always retaliates and is immune to effects preventing retaliation. 目标单位将会无限反击并对反击的效果免疫。
Ultimate Ability终极能力: Eye of the Storm风暴之眼
Target friendly stack evades the next incoming attacks. 目标友军单位将会躲避即将受到的进攻。
War Master 兵法大师
Type类型: Might 力量
Reputation声誉: Blood血
“The sword is but steel, I am its will.”
War Masters have transcended their personal desires and passions, and dedicated their existence to a sole purpose; that of the absolute mastery of the art of war. This quest for perfection in form and spirit surpasses their allegiance to their Lords, and their lives themselves are seen by other Naga as works of art or sonnets of mystical poetry. The Eternal Empress respects the War Master, but is careful never to provoke one, and only converses when she bears the promise of a war.
兵法大师早已超越了个人欲望与激情,他们的存在只为一个目的:那就是对于兵法的绝对精通。这种形式上以及精神上对于完美的追求超越了他们对于主人忠诚。在其他娜迦族的眼中,兵法大师的生活就如同造艺作诗一样。就连不朽的女皇都对兵法大师忌惮三分,绝不会轻易激怒一位兵法大师,除非她做好了承受一场战争的准备。 War Master Abilities兵法大师能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Calm Before the Storm风暴前的寂静
The Initiative and Might Power of Sanctuary friendly creatures are increased when they do not attack during their turn. 当瀛洲的友军生物在其回合中没有发动进攻,那么他们的主动性和物理攻击就会提升。
Advanced Ability高阶能力: Prepare for Strike
All friendly stacks gain additional damage for each movement points they do not use in their turn. 所有友军单位均可将其回合中没有使用的移动力转化为附加伤害。
Ultimate Ability终极能力: Twin Fangs双重利牙
Target stack strikes twice when it attacks. Lasts several turns. 目标单位在攻击时发动两次打击,效果持续若干回合。
Type类型: Magic魔法
Reputation声誉: Neutral中立
“Action is the greatest form of inaction when made in haste.”
Monks of the Eternal Empress are said to be the heart and mind of the Naga Empire. Aspiring to the precepts of their Patron Goddess, Shalassa, the Dragon of Water, their wisdom is renowned and their powers astounding. Profound as the deepest ocean and calm as the coolest lake in times of peace, if their rage is awoken, even the greatest of rivers trembles in its bed.
受尽不朽女王恩泽的僧侣被认为是娜迦帝国的心脏与思想。由于严守崇拜水龙莎拉萨的清规戒律,僧侣的智慧与力量都令人震惊。在和平时代,僧侣们心如止水,气和如镜,一旦他们的愤怒被唤醒,甚至连最伟大的江河都要为之颤抖。 Monk Abilities僧侣能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Inner Eye内视之眼
When friendly Sanctuary creatures do not attack in their turn, they gain a Magic Power and Defense bonus for the next turn. 当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tide Master潮汐大师
Type类型: Magic魔法
Reputation声誉: Tears泪
“When the tide rises, the widows weep. “
Tide Masters have gained an understanding of the powers of Shalassa, the Dragon Goddess of Water, through long moments of contemplative meditation. They see war and peace as part of the same cycle and their armies like waves raging over a shoreline during a storm. The metaphor is quite appropriate, for when the Tide Master goes to battle, the power of water goes as well.
潮汐大师在历经长期的静思冥想之后,参悟了水龙之神莎拉萨的力量。他们认为战争与和平遵循周期理论,并将自己的军队视为暴风雨中吞噬海岸的波涛。当潮汐大师参战时,水之力量也同时参战,这样的说法恰如其缝。 Tide Master Abilities潮汐大师能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Inner Eye内视之眼
When friendly Sanctuary creatures do not attack in their turn, they gain a Magic Power and Defense bonus for the next turn. 当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。 Advanced Ability高阶能力: Serenity风和日丽
Target enemy stack cannot move, attack or use an ability. Any damage frees the target which can retaliate. Lasts several turns. 目标敌军将不能行动,攻击或者运用能力。任何引发反击的伤害都将解除这种状态。效果持续几个回合。
Neutral Ability终极能力: Tsunami海啸
All enemies are "Soaked" for several turns. All one square-sized enemies are pushed back 2 squares and "Stunned" for several turns. 所有的敌军都将受到若干回合的“浸湿”状态(落汤鸡)。所有的1*1敌军单位都将后退两个并受到“惊吓”状态的影响若干回合。
Flood Conjuger水啸巫师
Type类型: Magic魔法
Reputation声誉: Blood血
“If they will not come to the water, we shall bring the water to them.”
Flood Conjugers have linked their wills to Shalassa and Her godly purpose, gaining powers unlike any others known on Ashan. These powerful monks have natural authority when war approaches for their very presence can turn a battlefield into a battle swamp, giving tremendous tactical advantage to the armies of the Dragon Goddess of Water. A Flood Conjuger never doubts when casting her devastating downpours of hail and rain. Friends of Shalassa should simply know how to swim.
水啸巫师将自己的意志与莎拉萨及其神旨链接在一起,从而获得了不同于亚山世界掌握的任何力量。这些强大的僧侣拥有能够在战争的最初就将地形转换为湿地的能力,并给予水龙之神的军队极大的战术优势。一位水啸巫师从不怀疑倾盆大雨与冰雹的破坏力。莎拉萨的朋友能很轻易的游刃于水中。 Flood Conjuger Abilities水啸巫师能力
Neutral Ability基本能力: Inner Eye内视之眼 When friendly Sanctuary creatures do not attack in their turn, they gain a Magic Power and Defense bonus for the next turn.
当瀛洲的生物在其回合中没有经进攻,他们将在下一回合获得魔法攻击和防御的加成。 Advanced Ability高阶能力: Watery Grave溺水身亡
Target enemy stack is dealt damage (Water) and is ""Soaked"" (Decrease Air Resistance). Affects Living creatures only. 目标敌军单位受到伤害(水系)且进入“浸湿”状态(减弱气系抵抗)。对无生命单位无效。
Neutral Ability终极能力: Monsoon季风
A thundercloud appears at the chosen location. All creatures in the area are "Soaked" (decrease Air Resistance) and dealt Air damage. Air Magic and Water Magic bonuses both apply to this spell. 一片雷云将出现在被选区域。此区域下所有生物将受到“浸湿”效果并遭受气系伤害。气系魔法和水系魔法都将对此咒语加成。 |