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本帖最后由 bbsaiur 于 2011-4-25 01:50 编辑
She was a lot like you,
(Maybe not quite as heavy)
Now little Caroline is in here too.
Goodbye my only friend.
Oh, did you think I meant you?
That would be funny
If it weren't so sad.
Well, you have been replaced.
I don't need anyone now.
When I delete you maybe
I'll stop feeling so bad.
Cara, bel, cara mia: Dear, beautiful, my dear,
bella bambina: beautiful girl,
oh Chell: oh Chell,
que lastima: that's too bad,
que lastima: that's too bad,
deh! Cara mia: well, My dear,
addio: farewell.
Mia bambina: My girl,
cara: dear,
perchè non passi: why don't you stay
lontana, deh: away
sì lontana: yes, away
da scienza?: from science?
Cara, cara: Dear, dear,
mia bambina: my girl,
ah mia bel: my beautiful,
ah mia cara: my dear,
la mia cara: my dear,
la mia bamina: my girl,
oh cara: my dear,
cara mia…: my dear…
关于这一点有争议,我的看法是没删,否则的话后面的两首歌无法解释,但从GlaDOS这个角色的性格上来看删掉Caroline也许更合理 |