来自预定版的扩展包,解压后复制到fallout new vegasData文件夹下即可,然后运行launcher.exe,选上相应文件。
This is the Fallout New Vegas Pack from pre-ordering/purchasing at Walmart or Steam.
This has been tested and confirmed working with the skidrow release as well as the retail/steam copy.
Put in your Fallout New Vegas folder under
fallout new vegasData
Then go into the launcher and enable under data files.
Caravan Park:http://v4.u.115.com/file/t9bbf9c194
The Caravan Pack, available when you pre-order through Steam and Walmart, contains:
· Lightweight Leather Armor – This hand-modified suit of leather armor reduces its overall weight without impacting its ability to protect.
· Sturdy Caravan Shotgun – Despite its rough appearance, this Caravan Shotgun will reliably fire 20 gauge shells until the Brahmin come home.
· 4 Repair Kits – Useful for repairing any outfit or weapon, Repair Kits are a valuable tool for any caravaner.
· Binoculars – The Mojave Wasteland is a dangerous place, but with these trusty Binoculars you’ll be able to spot trouble coming.
Mercenary Park:http://v4.u.115.com/file/t99e487d24
The Mercenary Pack, available when you pre-order through Best Buy, contains:
· Lightweight Metal Armor – Modified for long-range travel, this Metal Armor sacrifices some protection for mobility and overall weight.
· Mercenary’s Grenade Rifle – Though similar to other 40mm Grenade Rifles in the Mojave Wasteland, this model has a faster reload cycle.
· 3 Super Stimpaks – When you absolutely, positively, need to keep your blood inside your body, Super Stimpaks fix you up in no time.
· 3 Doctors Bags – Mercenaries and broken limbs go together like Iguana-on-a-Stick and Nuka Cola. Thankfully, these Doctors Bags take a bit of sting out of the inevitable crushed skull.
Classic Park:http://v4.u.115.com/file/t9e7edf49b
The Classic Pack, available when you pre-order through Best Buy, contains:
Armored Vault 13 Suit, a Vault 13 Canteen, a Weathered 10mm Pistol, and Five Stimpacks. |