They came, they saw, they named some tracks
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Posted August 6, 2010
The TDU2 "Name A Track" winners have been announced, head on over and find out if you are one of the few, the proud, the chosen!
Congratulations to all the members below for coming up with winning entries.
Look for these track names in the multiplayer races and challenges when TDU2's released!
Track Name | Member Name | A suspension's nightmare | layneruley | Addicted to speed | Jonathan.D.L. | Adrenaline lane | JDrive | Airport Sprint | bulelt50000 | As Sharp As A Pin | Reina | Atari Fast Track Race Way | ILOVETDU2 | Atracktion | minick1995 | Baca Bend Twister | Battlehead | Bayside beach run | hitbychance | Big time rush | radiifreak | Blacktop's Revenge | Unitedmoviemakers | Blammo Slammo Drive-o Fasto! | mnorris | Burnt rubber and bikini's | BenjaminTaber | Circuit De Ibiza | BadBoyCruiser | Crystal Course | konvict7 | Dirt king | DiRT_KiNG | Dirt 'n asphalt | Destroyer-GT | Eccentric Speed | PATR34 | Epicous Dramaticous Raceous | andrewbutcher | Exotics wrecker | sur6e | Faster than very fast! | JShow | Faster...than a speeding ticket | motoflashTRD | From bad to worse | Rozo95 | Grip or drift | mickeil.keil | Hawai spin track | ADR | High Speed Street | Matuda | HighSpeedLimit | MiniVogue | Infamous roundabout | ps3tdu122 | Just full the throttle ! | mckaradag | Legendary passage | Parano1d | Leona & Selena | DriedMoss | Mind the Trees | Ryzza5 | Mossetto run | DriedMoss | Ocean side drive | PinCruZer | Ocean view | Unlawfull_Entry | Octane Lane | MKSilverSax | Pass of the dragon | Orachi | Pathway to the skies | Primoz | Phantom raceway | cittris | Pit of speed | x3lk-murd3r3r | Racing is believing | Troik | Road of the true and the brave | DcM17 | Roaming the roads | nate95 | Rock'n Road | jpbelentani | Rubber ridder | hdwflex | Scenic freedom | strobeNlights | Seasons of speed | foxtrot_two_two_four | Shawngamer's run | shawngamer | Shore drive | tcr22 | Slow birds will eat dust | TehDust | Soft tour | grand114 | Spanish Speed | nPulse | Speed Hunting | mohammad-viper | Speed is your salvation | Destroyer-GT | Summer Speed | CSP375 | Sunshine Ribbon | Jaytr08 | Test drive to feel alive | EccentricToast | The devil's ring | diablochickin | The hellish cirque | Niuch44 | The idea is to go fast | ShawtyGotRice | The Kitten Run | Kime_Kitten | Thru the eclipse | Boom420headshoT | Tropical trek | gmqpistolpete | Tucker's pass | thesafetyguy | Turntable Track | dakota.clabaugh | Twisted as snail shell | Reniu | Untamed horsepower | redline1 | Wandering winds | MaseratiGS-R | When speed is not too tough | danielstraub | You can't handle this route | v8vantagedbs | You want speed, you say? | obi136 |
(左:赛道名 右:名称作者)
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