
- 贡献度
- 5
- 金元
- 570
- 积分
- 17
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-2-10
从来没给论坛作过贡献,今天来努力一把, 希望能帮到大家。
没时间翻译, 请注意我的“”并照做。
1. 运行Run “regedit” (by finding "run" in your start menu and the typing regedit)
2.打开Expand the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” folder.
3.打开Expand the “SOFTWARE folder”. (if you have 64 bit, you first need to expand Wow6432Node first)
4.打开Expand the “BioWare” folder.
5. 创建Create a new key called “Dragon Age” (it has to be called this)
6. 右击之Right click on the folder you just made, and say 建立新的XXX“new-string value”, and call it 命名为“path”
7. 右键点之选更改right click on it and say modify, 创建路径then type your game path, a.k.a. where your DAOriginsLauncher.exe is located. (比如在C盘某处就写成C rogram FilesDragon Age) and click ok,
8. collapse the 关掉“bio-ware” folder. and 打开open 电子艺术文件夹“electronic arts folder”. (if there is another electronic arts folder inside of it, open it to)
9. 重复第五到第七步repeat 5, 6, and 7. |