- 贡献度
- 38
- 金元
- 2407
- 积分
- 393
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-11-13
The SSV Normandy SR-1 (Systems Alliance Space Vehicle Stealth Reconnaissance 1) is a Systems Alliance starship. She is a prototype "deep scout" frigate, first of the eponymous Normandy class, co-developed by the Alliance and the Turian Hierarchy with the sponsorship of the Citadel Council. She is optimized for solo reconnaissance missions deep within unstable regions, using state-of-the-art stealth technology powered by an experimental drive core.
SSV Normandy Sr-1号(联盟隐秘侦查舰)是联盟的星际战舰。她是深度侦查战舰的原型,在Citadel议会的赞助下,由人类和Turian合力研发。 她运用于敌军内部深入侦查, 她拥有最先进的隐秘科技和实验性发动机。 (弄了半天怪不得没火力,搞侦查的,把shepard扔地上马上就躲起来)
Commissioned in 2183, the Normandy was initially captained by David Anderson, but she was handed over to Commander Shepard when the commander became the first human Spectre, serving as Shepard's main source of transportation and base of operations.
Normandy号于2183年开始服役, 最初由David Anderson 领导, 随后她被交管给Shepard 指挥官。
The Normandy is named after the Battle of Normandy in 1944, a pivotal battle of the Second World War.
Normandy号名字的由来大家都猜出来了, 是纪念第二次世界大战中的诺曼底战役。
Normandy SR-1号内部结构:
Normandy 号在Citadel
Normandy 号停靠在Noveria(冰天雪地那个,在这能遇到虫族女王)
Normandy 号在Feros (会精神控制的植物)
Normandy Sr-1 最辉煌一战-- Citidel
Normandy SR-2
The Cerberus-built Normandy SR-2 is a starship that appears in Mass Effect 2. The SR-2 is provided to Shepard's team by Cerberus, and its leader, the Illusive Man, to assist in their mission to put an end to the Collectors' galaxy-wide campaign of human abductions. This ship is the headquarters of the Lazarus Cell.
Normandy SR-2由Cerberus制造,是Cerberus的领导人Illusive Man幻影人提供给Shepard的小队用来探究宇宙人类殖民地绑架案的载具。
Its design is similar to the Systems Alliance's SSV Normandy SR-1, the design being based on the original specifications. The Normandy SR-2 differs from the original in that it is approximately twice the original's mass, more human-centered in its design and, thanks to Cerberus' considerable funding, features extra civilian-grade comforts for its passengers. The ship still retains the SSV Normandy SR-1's stealth characteristics. Unlike the SR-1, the SR-2 cannot land on every planet—due to its increased mass—and thus shore parties must use a shuttle to get to the planet surface.
她的设计基本上仿造了SSV Normandy SR-1, 但是SR-2的质量是SR-1的两倍,Cerberus投入大量资金让军舰的设计更加人性化。 Normandy SR-2依旧保留了SR-1的隐秘侦查科技,但是不像SR-1, SR-2没法在大部分星球上降落(太沉了), 所以就用了穿梭机运输人员到地面。
Omega-4-relay 之战