
- 贡献度
- 10
- 金元
- 2332
- 积分
- 273
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-3-2
Various changes have been made to code and resources to support the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening expansion pack. Most of these changes do not affect Origins itself.(为迎接即将到来的资料片,游戏代码进行调整,但对原版游戏内容无影响)
Some players were experiencing increasingly long load times. A major cause of this problem has been fixed.(修复了导致越玩loading越长的一个主要问题)
At higher levels, non-player characters now receive a bonus to armor penetration. This mitigates an unintentional imbalance with well-armored high-level characters, since armor penetration previously did not scale as aggressively as armor itself did. (高级NPC现在都将获得额外的穿甲加成,修正高级玩家身穿重甲带来的不平衡)
Elite-rank enemies (lieutenants) can no longer be shattered. This preserves the intended tactical design of many combat encounters.(精英怪不再能被shattered)
Portraits for summoned creatures (like a ranger's wolf) were displaying improperly while in the party camp. This no longer occurs.(修复了召唤生物的头像会错误的出现在营地内的问题) |