cheatcat 2010-03-12 15:15 |只看该用户 7# 字体大小: t T 举报 | 评分|
As far as release dates go, this one is being dropped much sooner than most, as well as in an unconventional manner. But February 1 falls on a Tuesday next year, the traditional game release day, and an EA conference call already revealed the Dragon Age sequel would be hitting between January and March of 2011. While we'll have to wait for word from EA and BioWare to call it official, this fits comfortably in that range, and so it seems likely as the date for the sequel. Mark your calendars, Dragon Age fans.
我用机翻翻译了 一下 你这段 英文 的意思是:
机器翻译成这样 我晕。。。 |