
- 贡献度
- 58
- 金元
- 2076
- 积分
- 380
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2010-1-19
大伙都知道在營地可以進行深入交流,這個太重口了 wynne奶奶和矮子O搞上了。。
Oghren: Aye, sure. Why not?
Wynne: Pardon?
Oghren: Oh, I'd give you a roll. Why not?
Wynne: A "roll?"
Oghren: Aye. Any time. Preferably in the dark.
Wynne: I suppose I should be flattered.
Oghren: I'm not sure I have the equipment for that, but sure, whatever gets you working.
Oghren: Ah, Wynne... Care to partake of Oghren's fine homebrew? It's the drink of the gods.
Wynne: Mm, ale, is it? And I hope it's brewed hygienically?
Oghren: Of course! I may not know clean from a beggar's ass when it comes to most things, but I don't mess around with my ale.
Wynne: Very well, let's have a taste.
Oghren: Well? Well? What do you think?
Wynne: Very nice.
Oghren: You like it? well, I never...
Wynne: Attractive amber color. Nutty flavor, slightly sweet, just a hint of toastiness. There's some spice to it... I'm finding hard to place...
Oghren: Yes? Yes?
Wynne: Is it... cloves?
Oghren: Cloves! By the stone, you're a lady after my own heart. if I weren't buckled into this armor, I'd take you round the corner and... well, you know.
Wynne: Give me more ale?
Oghren: So, Wynne... how do you know so bleeding much about ale? Have some tawdry tale of misspent youth to tell?
Wynne: Nothing quite so interesting, my friend. The Tranquil mages of the Circle just happen to be alchemial miracle-workers, and they brew more than just potions. There was always a pitcher or two of fine ale at our supper table.
Oghren: Well, bless my britches... Maybe when all this is done I'll chat up one or two of them quiet mages.
Wynne: Uh, Tranquil.
Oghren: Tranquil, quiet, insipid... same difference.
Oghren: Ugh. Got something in my...Sod it.
Wynne: What are you... Never mind, I don't want to know.
Oghren: That's right. Keep your nose up. You know, just because we don't all live in some tower in the clouds doesn't mean we're worthless.
Wynne: I didn't...
Oghren: And furthermore, I don't think I appreciate the way you looked at me the other night.
Wynne: The way I... what?
Oghren: Oh, you remember. Those longing eyes, hungry for a bit of a tussle...
Wynne: I never looked at you, dwarf. Definitely not in that way.
Oghren: Oh, you're right. Must have been the dog.
Wynne: Here, I bought you a towel, a bar of soap and a razor while we were at the market.
Oghren: Aye? What is this for?
Wynne: You wash with it.
Oghren: I know what soap is, woman! What is this flimsy slip of metal?
Wynne: It's a razor. you shave with it.
Oghren: Shave! Any warrior worth his salt keeps his beard! That's what I keep telling Alistair.
Wynne: It's matted! It has stale food stuck in it!
Oghren: Oh, so that's where that bit of herring got to. Anyway, it keeps my face warm. It doesn't have to be pretty. 'Sides, the ladies love it. Tickles them in all the right places if I wag my chin like this.
Wynne: Augh! Just take it. Take it!
Oghren: You could show me a little appreciation, you know.
Wynne: Appreciation? For what?
Oghren: I saved your ass a while back! When that thing was... you don't even remember.
Wynne: I'm sorry, I--
Oghren: No, that's fine. Next time I'll just let it get you, that's all.
Oghren: So. I was thinking...
Wynne: Listen, dwarf. I am not interested in your innuendos, your propositions, or your bodily emanations.
Oghren: But I--
Wynne: Quiet!
Oghren: I just wanted--
Wynne: No! Keep it to yourself! I'm serious!
Oghren: Eh, fine.
Wynne: Good! Thank you!
Oghren: Whatever.
Wynne: Why do you occasionally refer to Alistair as a "little pike-twirler?"
Oghren: Why? Has the little pike-twirler taken offence?
Wynne: It's just a curious description.
Oghren: Curious? (Snorts) Bah. it's entirely true. What, you haven't seen him twirling his pike? Goes at it when he thinks no one's watching. Knocks about in the trees like there's no tomorrow. Caught him just the other day. Blushed all the way down to his navel, then couldn't find his shirt. I swear he's going to hurt himself one of these days, the way he wors that thing.
Wynne: I don't want to hear this anymore, do I?
Oghren: I keep telling him, pikes are for sticking things at long range, aye? Horses and such. Not for twirling like a sissy-girl.
Wynne: Wait, you're talking about an actual pike? Like a spear?
Oghren: Obviously. What else would I be talking about?
Wynne: I can't imagine.
酒 矮子:怎么了?叫他“糟蹋枪的小家伙”还贬低他了?
酒矮子:奇怪?这都是事实!你是没瞧见他是 怎么弄他自己的枪的?他老是以为没人注意他,就鬼鬼祟祟的溜进树林里,然后把他的“枪”转来转去,扭来拧去。有次被我逮个正着,当时他的脸一下子红到了肚 脐眼,慌张得连衣服都找不着了!我发誓他再这样弄他的“枪”,总有一天会受伤的!
酒 矮子:我一直告诫他,枪是用来长距离刺杀的,比如刺敌人的战马什么的,不是这样像娘们杂耍一般转来转去的。
法师婆婆:等等,你其实一直说的是真正 的“枪”?长矛那样的?。。。。。
網速比較卡,圖就不發了,覺得蠻邪惡的呢 |