
- 贡献度
- 19
- 金元
- 2589
- 积分
- 335
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-4-14

1. Extract downloaded DWBH archive
2. Copy "DontWorryBeHairy" folder that was inside the archive into your:
"...BioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride"
On Vista and Windows7, the correct override folder is under:
"C:Users<user name>DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride"
On XP it should be (depending on language of your OS) in:
"C ocuments and Settings<user name>My DocumentsBioWareDragon Agepackagescoreoverride"
Youre not done yet:
Now inside "DontWorryBeHairy" folder you will find HF(and later also EF, DF & etc)
subfolders. HF stand for "Human female", DF is dwarf female & etc.
Those folders contain hair pieces for specific races and genders.
3. Now lets go into "HF" folder and replace some hair.
First, we need to find out the name of the hair model which we want to replace.
For this purpose, there are 2 files inside the HF folder:
"hf Hair.jpg" and "hf Hair.txt".
Remember how Morrigan's hair looks like? Lets replace that!
Open the "hf Hair.jpg" and look for Morrigans hair in the picture.
Its the very first one, the hair name is located on the top: "hf_har_mora_0.mmh"
If you want to save yourself some typing, you can find this name in txt file for
you to copy.
4. Now that we have a name, lets finally replace Morrigan's hair with hf001 Hair.
Go into hf001 folder, find "---.mmh" file and rename it to "hf_har_mora_0.mmh".
Morrigan will now wear hf001 hair ingame.
3.打开hf Hair.jpg文件 看哪个发型你想该得记下它的文件名(在各个发型头上)
4.然后你想让它变成哪个发型就把HF里面的文件中(HF001.HF002.HF003)---.mmh这个文件重命名成你想替换掉的发型名称 |