- 贡献度
- 12
- 金元
- 2076
- 积分
- 196
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-11-12
The Grand Oak tells you that the Mad Hermit has stolen his acorn and he wants it back. You can poke around in the tree stump here and grab the acorn out of it. The hermit will then attack you. He’s a mage, so defend with all your anti-mage abilities, such as templar talents, stuns, constant damage to disrupt his casting, etc.
You can also speak with the hermit and try to barter for the acorn. He will accept any of the following: the pendant you can get for doing Athras’s quest, the book that Cammen will reward the player with if he’s reunited with Gheyna, the scarf you can obtain from the werewolf Danyla, the boots the player can loot from Deygan, the halla amulet that Varathorn can make with the halla’s antlers, the ironbark bracer that Varathorn can make if he obtains some ironbark, or Lanaya’s songbook.
If you don’t want to trade with him, the Mad Hermit will task you with killing the Grand Oak, who “torments” him. Return to the Grand Oak, slay the elder tree, and head back to the Mad Hermit. He needs a werewolf pelt, which you can obtain by killing a nearby rabid werewolf. He’ll then enchant the pelt, allowing you to slip deeper into the forest without notice.
第一个方法是直接调查树桩拿走橡果(此时疯子法师会对你进行攻击) 然后将橡果还给老树
第三个方法是帮疯子砍掉老树 之后问疯子他会问你要个狼人的皮带 带过去给他后会帮你对皮带进行附魔
完成以上任何一个之后你就可以通过迷雾结界了 |