
- 贡献度
- 66
- 金元
- 3323
- 积分
- 596
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2009-10-30
原帖由 fttod 于 2009-12-5 16:35:00 发表
目前我们接触的grey warden还只是一小部分,说好说坏还太早,至少我觉得grey warden不可能是正义的化身 难道你没看过这个DLC的英文原版声明?请先看看那个再说好么?哪里说grey warden是邪恶组织了?英文原版声明如下:
The DLC pack, Return to Ostagar, allows players to exact their revenge and embark on a quest for the mighty arms and armor of the once great King Cailan when they revisit Ostagar, the site of the Grey Wardens' darkest hour, to reclaim the honor and learn the secrets of Ferelden's fallen king.
Return to Ostagar, BioWare's next thread in the Dragon Age: Originstapestry, summons players to a new quest in which they will return to the fateful battleground in Ostagar where the Grey Wardens were nearly wiped out. Players will discover King Cailan's top-secret political agenda and go behind enemy lines to revisit a place that many feared had been lost to history. "Return to Ostagar" will also provide a second opportunity to add the Mabari hound 'Dog' to your party.
不知道那个S13翻出来的“邪恶组织”几个单词在哪里,反正哥是没看见 |