
- 贡献度
- 14
- 金元
- 864
- 积分
- 82
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-4-22
1) 新增除camping site额外获得洗点药水的方法, 适用于早期就想洗点(Morrigan屋外的残破雕像边上新增一只乌鸦 或者直接通过控制台输入"runscript wrk_respec_merchant_spawn"来获得)
2) 属性点重置时不会再全部重置为1 , 而是根据该人物种族和职业重置为初始状态(战狗属性仍然会重置为1)
UPDATE - 1.3 Beta is released
Here is version 1.3 with a couple of sweet things to check out:
- Those who wish to respec their character early and do not want to loose the specialization, you should have a new option just for this.
- Those who wish to respec even earlier, you should have the option right after Morrigan joins your party. Look around outside the house, near the ruined statue. (NOTE: This might not work properly yet, the raven might now appear next to the statue. If you desperately need it, you can use the developer console to spawn it using the "runscript wrk_respec_merchant_spawn" command.
- Also, from now on the attributes reset to the default values defined by your race and core class combination. (except the Dog, if anyone knows the default base attributes for the dog let me know)
As before, the v1.3 source code and 2da override files are also available as a separate download.
Looking forward to any feedback!
Look for a Raven next to the fallen tree in the player camp.
If you can not find it, check the screenshot from the gallery
Spawns a storage chest at the party camp.
Only works in the main camp, some versions where combat or cutscenes take place will not have access to the chest. If you don't see the chest, leave the camp and come back again.
NOTE: Be carefule to follow the instructions as noted (especially step 4), otherwise you may get an .xml error message instead of a storage chest mod.
To install the files:
1. Ensure that Dragon Age is not running.
2. Download the file to be installed using the updater to your desktop.
3. Open the “daupdater” program in your Dragon Agebin_ship directory (usually CProgramsDragon Agebin_ship).
4. Drag-and-drop the file to be installed into the updater window; it should appear in the updater window in the “Content Name” column.
5. Select the content in the updater window by left-clicking on it, then clicking the “Install Selected” button at the bottom of the updater window.
6. Once the “Status” column for the content reads “Installed” close the updater.
7. The content should now be available in-game.
To see the source files in the toolset, load the tal_storage_chest.dadbdata with the Tools/Builder/Load Builder To Builder option.
A note to those requesting additional features: while I am always available for advice and even sample code (like many other BioWare developers), this project is meant to be a jumping off point for community modders, not an ongoing development. My hope is that others will take the basics of what is included in this package and run with it.
This project won't be updated any further except to remove any packaging or installation issues.
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