After 5 play through and using different soldiers in most of them. I have some observation to make on the unique stats each
soldier have:
Stats like Luck, Detection etc allow you to encounter rare more frequent.
Stats like Rebellious, Rudeness, Selfishness, etc screw up your battle commands sometimes - heal not appearing, no res
command etc. I had 4 play through without any soldiers with those stats and I always had heal/res nearly 100% of the time.
The 5th play through I had one with rebellion and one with selfishness and I was constantly missing commands.
Stats like sword tech, katana tech etc are obvious that they improve dmg of those type of weapons.
Stats like friendship, cooperation allow easier Arcana.
Stats like learning, reading, etc learn arts faster.
Stats like bravery, hot blood, etc have higher increase in union morale
Just my observations and some could be wrong. Feel free to add your thoughts.
幸运、侦查之类的属性增加遇到稀有怪的几率(真的么 )
叛逆、无礼、自利之类的属性就是捣乱的 ,这样的角色在战斗指令中不爱出回血,复活。这老外有4次通关队伍里没有这类角色,据他说出回复、复活的概率基本是100%,而他第五次用到这类角色时他经常遇到不出救助指令的时候
友情、合作之类的属性使得禁忌术法更容易出(有点道理 )
My interpretation of it so far is that it's just a generic(although with an unique name) stat that dictates a small margin of the character's performance in battle... "Luck" if you will.
For example, McGrady has "Gluttony" but his desired items list is small(compared to Baulson for example lol), and sometimes even when an item he wants is dropped, he won't ask for it.
Rush's "Bravery" has no bearing whatsoever on Morale if he scores a critical or incapacitates an enemy union.
Emma's "Love" also doesn't seem to help with her healing/intercepting abilities.
What I think it is: a generic "luck" stat that is calculated together with the other union members' stats to determine bonuses such as critical offense/defense, critical hits, available commands, and maybe even stat-ups or art-ups.
That's my take on it. Emma's squad has a higher collective "luck" value and they get consistently more Critical Offense and Critical Defense prompts. Oh, and "Counter" is overpowered. 600 on a normal attack but 4000 on a counter? SWEET. I just hope the enemies don't start parrying/shield bashing/countering me or I'll be sad.
顺便说一个我测试过的吧,妹妹的第四属性应该是增加救助术法的回复量的,因为给她带一个增加回复效果的道具她的第四属性相应会涨 我只知道我用白鱼人做队长时,没一个像样的指令 就是不出物理技能攻击,天生就是小兵的料 黑人做队长,武器技乱飞啊~ 他的四属性为COMBAT....不记得了,就他那队,武器技能乱出....
回复 3# zealstar 的帖子
黑人主要是暴击率很高,很凶猛啊回复 4# snowpink 的帖子
黑人的声优还是---中井和哉 (海贼王索隆),所以除了长的难看点,各方面都很看好他,呵呵回复 5# zealstar 的帖子
英文配音也挺合适的,尤其是被打后,叫[诶]很有喜感,我每次听到都想笑 呵呵,确实有道理回复 5# zealstar 的帖子
R文的CV阵容很强大,中井和哉,小野大辅都是一线的声优,不过E文的CV我感觉特点更鲜明些 可能是由于我R文不行吧