玩到现在,都没怎么太在意这个问题,只是见电脑用,自己乱用。感觉凡是RPG异常总有些用的希望高手稍作一下研究 2周目会相当在意这个问题
毒系比较好用,不过龙基本免疫,毒可是按百分比掉血的说。。 队伍异常状态:
目前就想起这些 FreezeUnit have 0 defense against ice, and do not get extra attacks.
BurnUnit have 0 defense against fire, and always act last.
ShockUnit Have 0 defense against thunder and do not get Critical Triggers.
Acid BurnUnit have 0 defense against poison, and their Special Defence falls to 0.
PoisonUnion lose a percentage of HP after each unit's turn
Black OutUnit cannot act or react until the end of turn.
ParalyzeUnion is blocked from using combat arts for a set number of turns.
SilenceUnion is blocked from using mystic arts for a set number of turns.
DelayUnit is moved to the end of the action queue when it didn't act so far in this turn.
PetrificationEach damaging attack has a chance to cause KO.
EnthrallAttack the wrong side until the end of battle or killed.
CurseUnions have the chance of instant death before each unit's action.
InstakillInstant death to a single unit.
OverkillKO to a single unit when doing too much damage. (More than twice of the units HP?)
ProtectionFully block one physical attack.
Ophic WardFully block one mystic attack.
DecoyAttract all enemy attention and attacks.
StealthThe union cannot be caught in Deadlock. But will Deadlock when it engages the enemy.
SlowdownSlows down the time in Trigger Chance more.
SafetyImmune to instant death (i.e. Instakill or via Curse). Does not prevent KO via Overkill.
Physical EaterAbsorb all physical damage received for a set number of turns.
Mystic EaterAbsorb all mystic damage received for a set number of turns.
AP Charge DownReceive a reduced amount of AP each turn.
Bonus20% Additional damage against monsters of that .
Unknown Bonus20% Additional damage against ???? type of monsters