真实人口 支持最新更新 DLC工业Realistic Population and Consumption Mod v8.4.0
Version 1.11.0-f3 compatible.This project is to make the cities that we craft to have values which feel more realistic and started as a fork of Kundun's work.
Changes from vanilla game
- Low density houses are now one household, without an override.
- The number of workers and high density households will be determined by the volume of the building as seen by the size of construction scaffolding.
- Employment based on education level have changed. Offices shifts to more university educated, while commercial and industry will shift towards high school educated.
- Tweaked pollution levels, water and electricity consumption, garbage accumulation and income of different buildings.
- Production of goods for extraction of specialised industry (farm, forest, ore, oil) has been reduced.
- Production values from offices are determined by the number of people.
支持 最新版
谢谢顶贴 感謝分享~~~~~~~~~~ 感謝分享~~~~~~~~~ 感谢lz提供游戏资源下载回复以示支持! kanglegend 发表于 2019-1-31 15:46
感谢lz提供游戏资源下载回复以示支持! ;P;P;P;P支持一波;;;; 我每天看贴无数,基本上不回贴.后来发现这样很傻,很多比我注册晚的人分数都比我多,于是我就把这段文字保存在记事本里,每看一贴就复制粘贴一次,帮LZ把贴子顶上去。顺便挣点分 jiang92 发表于 2019-3-29 15:13
我每天看贴无数,基本上不回贴.后来发现这样很傻,很多比我注册晚的人分数都比我多,于是我就把这段文字保存在 ...
谢谢。。。好东西。。 33333333333333333333 这个会影响人口增速么 值得研究 感谢楼主的分享
666666666666666666666 为什么我下不了非要我购买会员才能下载 好心人发下邮箱好吗[email protected]
谢谢分享,这个怎么用能说明下么? 谢谢大佬~~~ 感谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· derrickcsy 发表于 2019-12-12 10:01
额朋友客气了 感謝分享~~~~~~~~~ 我想请问一下这个mod放在什么位置?我放在了MOD文件夹里游戏模组管理器里没显示 还要客户端才能下载啊,醉了 兄弟能不能来个百度云版本的 啊 诚通网盘用不起啊
感谢楼主分享 纹.0. 发表于 2020-5-13 23:15
兄弟能不能来个百度云版本的 啊 诚通网盘用不起啊
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol 谢谢分享 感谢分享